Untitled Part 21

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In this chapter everything goes to hell. I hope you guys like it 🥰

5 days later.

Rhaenyra finished typing the last sentence and let out a happy sigh, happy to have finished her weekly post for her English comp class. She hated the stupid class and was happy to be getting it over with. Aemond's nap was almost over and she was happy that she was done with her schoolwork for the week. Now she wouldn't have to worry about it until Monday and would have more time to play with Aemond. She had promised him they would go swimming after he woke up. Her phone rang and she smiled when he saw Daemon's name.

"You are supposed to be working." Her voice was amused. "Things are the same as when you called me twenty minutes ago."

"I know, I wanted to see if you would like to go out tonight."

"Really?" She couldn't help the excitement. "I thought it wasn't safe to go out."

"Well, we are taking men this time around, they will wait outside the restaurant."

Rhaenyra opened her mouth to tell him she would love to go out with him when an explosion rocked the house. The windows shattered causing her to scream and cover her ears. She could hear gunfire close the entrance and her ears were ringing.

"RHAENYRA! RHAENYRA!" Daemon sounded terrified and she could hear him screaming at his driver, but wasn't able to understand what he was saying. "What the hell is going on?"

"We are under attack." It sounded like another explosion went off and the gunfire was getting closer. She pressed the phone tighter to her ear as she ran towards the stairs. "I need to get Aemond."

"Rhaenyra, I need you to listen to me. I'm ten minutes out." She could tell he was scared and so was she. "Go to our bedroom and get the gun in the hidden compartment. Get Aemond and go to the basement, there is a panic room where you both can hide. No one can get in."

"Ok," She ran up the stairs as fast as her legs would carry her. "I have to go."

She disconnected the call, not listening to his protests as she ran to their bedroom. She reached the bed and immediately went to Daemon's side, pushing the nightstand to the side and opening the hidden compartment. The black Wilson Combat SFX9 fit perfectly in her hands and she checked the magazine and chamber, making sure that it was fully loaded. It was a good thing she had insisted on learning how to shoot and her father had agreed to get her to leave him alone. She ran to Aemond's bedroom and her heart stopped when she saw his bed was empty.

She immediately went and looked underneath the bed, but he was not there. The bedroom door had been closed and she didn't think he had left, especially if he was scared. She didn't think the men had gotten to him because she had not heard anyone on the stairs, and then she heard it. There was whimpering coming from the closet and she moved towards it slowly before throwing open the door. Aemond was sitting against the wall, knees held against his chest as tears ran down his face.

"Aemond." She picked him up and crushed him against her, hating that he was scared. She kissed his forehead and wet chubby cheeks. "We have to go, baby. I have to get you somewhere safe. I need you to be quiet, ok?"

He nodded before wrapping his little hands around her neck and burying his face against her neck. She ran out of his room and looked over the balcony, making sure there weren't any men moving around. Another explosion rocked the house and Aemond's arms tightened around her neck. Rhaenyra ran down the stairs, Aemond secured in her arms. She had just reached the landing when the front door was kicked open and a man ran in. She didn't think twice about it, lifting the gun she shot him twice in the face before he realized she was there.

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