Chapter 31

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Rhaelys asks Rhaenyra about attraction. Rhaelys decides to experiment. I hope you guys like it 🥰

Rhaenyra knew something was going on her sister, Rhaelys had been distracted the past few days. They had been watching movies and shows and she had seen the curiosity in her sister's eyes. She had also seen the way her sister would look at her and Daemon any time they were near each other. It was almost like she was studying them. Rhaenyra paused the movie in the middle, making Rhaelys frown and turn to look at her.

"What's wrong?" Rhaelys gave her a questioning look. "I know there is something wrong with you. You keep walking around like you want to ask something. Tell me what's wrong, I might be able to help you."

"What does it feel like when you are in love?" Her sister's look was serious and the question took Rhaenyra aback, that was not what she had expected.

"What do you mean?"

"I have lived my entire life locked in a tower." Rhaelys turned on the couch until she was facing her fully. "The only contact I had was with Arthur, who is like a father, and a couple of older guards. I never talked to other people besides them since no one could really know I existed."

She felt horrible for the poor girl, that was no way to live. "I can't speak for everyone, but every time I see Daemon I get this whirling sensation that begins deep in my gut and rises through my chest. I miss him every minute he is away from me and just hearing his name can bring a smile to my face. When I'm with Daemon, I feel happy, excited, confused, and at peace."

"It makes no sense that you feel all those emotions at the same time," Rhaelys said while looking a bit put out.

"Love isn't really logical." She could not help but smile at how innocent and blunt her little sister was. Rhaelys reminded her of Aemma.

"It should be." Rhaelys looked at the TV before looking back at her. "Can you have sex without being in love?"

"Yes, people can have sex without being in love." Rhaenyra thought for a moment, not wanting to give her sister the wrong information. "Men are a bit different, they can have sex with someone without any feelings involved. Women, or at least most women, usually need a deeper connection before jumping into bed with someone."

"But you don't need love to have sex?"

"No," It made her curious why Rhaelys was asking all those questions. "But you would need to be at least attracted to that person."

"How will I know if I'm attracted to someone?"

"Your heart will be faster, you will feel butterflies in your stomach, and some people feel the palms of their hands start to sweat. Sometimes, if you are really attracted to that person your body will feel hot and a bit uncomfortable." Rhaelys frowned and Rhaenyra could tell her sister was not truly happy with her answer. "Is there someone you are attracted to?"

"I don't know. I get some of those feelings you described when I'm near Harwin, which annoys me because I don't like him."

"You don't have to like someone to be attracted to them. Harwin is a very handsome man, it makes sense you would be attracted to him." Her sister let out a sigh and Rhaenyra put her hand on her shoulder. "The fact that you are attracted to someone doesn't mean you have to do anything about it. Is normal, you are a young woman and have desires just like everyone else."

Rhaelys nodded her head, but Rhaenyra could see she was still thinking about something. She was hoping the issue with the Daynes would be resolved soon and she would be able to take her sister places and show her the world she had been locked away from for so long. 

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