Chapter 9

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Aemond gets sick, a new character gets introduced. Rhaenyra and Daemon have a heart to heart and she shows him she is not as easily controlled as he thinks. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

2 months later.

Rhaenyra paused the movie she had been watching and let out a breath. She had been worrying all night about Aemond, the poor boy was sick. He had thrown up his dinner and said he didn't feel well. Rhaenyra had given him some medicine and a bath, he had looked a bit better afterwards but had been tired, so she had put him in bed. He had sound a bit congested and she was sure he was coming down with a cold. But he had not had a fever and every time she checked the monitor he appeared to be sleeping peacefully. She had also gone to his bedroom a few times, but he had been sleeping and didn't seem to have any problems. Daemon was not home, which just made her even more antsy. He was a some event with the mayor but had texted her three times asking about Aemond. Usually, when he went to one of his events he would return really late, sometimes in the early hours of the morning. Not that it stopped him from waking her up and taking her like he hadn't seen her in months.

Rhaenyra got up and walked to Aemond's room, she might be a little overzealous, but she wanted to make sure he was alright. She opened the door quietly and snuck her head in, Aemond was still sleeping, curled around his little dragon. She moved closer to the bed and was about to leave when something caught her eye. Aemond's little face was very flushed and she didn't like the way he was breathing, it was too heavy. She moved closer and touched his forehead, her eyes widening when she felt how hot he was. Rhaenyra threw the covers aside and picked him up, alarm raising when he didn't wake up.

"Aemond." She tapped his face gently and tried not to panic. "Baby, I need you to wake up."

He groaned and his eyes opened a little bit, they looked hazy and out of focus. "I don't feel well, Nywa."

"I know, baby." She said as she grabbed a blanket to wrap him in and hurried out of his room. She knew that Harwin lived in the pool house and he stayed in the house when Daemon went out to events. She kissed the little boy's head, wincing at how hot he was. "We are going to make you all better."

He didn't say anything, his breathing heavy against her neck. She ran almost all the way the the pool house and banged on the door, it was after midnight and Harwin might be sleeping. The man opened the doors and his eyes widened when he saw her, he opened his mouth but Rhaenyra didn't have time for questions.

"Aemond is sick, his temperature is really high and he is not breathing right." Harwin's face looked alarmed as he moved quickly and got his things. "We need to get him to a hospital now."

The man took the boy from her and ran to the car, Rhaenyra running after him. She got in the back seat with Aemond while Harwin took off. He tried to call Daemon, but it went to voice mail and he cursed. He drove down the road swerving between cars and honking for people to get out of his way. Rhaenyra noticed that Aemond's breathing had grown raspier and he felt hotter.

"Aemond, I need you to wake up." Harwin looked at them through the rearview mirror and Rhaenyra tapped Aemond's cheek. "Sweetheart, wake up." The little boy made no move or even a grunt that he had heard her and panic almost choked her. "Aemond, please wake up." There was no reaction, and her panicked eyes met Harwin's. "You need to hurry."

He cursed and slammed on the gas, sending Rhaenyra back into her seat as he reached a speed she didn't want to think about. Less than five minutes later he pulled in front of the ER and she jumped out of the car before it had come to a full stop. Harwin was right behind her, hollering as they entered the ER. One of the nurses took a look at the tattoo on his arm and a gurney magically appeared in front of her a few seconds later. Two doctors immediately flanked Aemond as they started to speak in terms she didn't understand, and then they rolled him away.

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