Chapter 25

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Daemon tortures Viserys a little. If those kind of things make you uncomfortable then skip the first part of the chapter. Rhaenyra talks to Viserys. I hope you guys like it 🥰

5 days later.

Daemon descended the steps leading to the basement and the cells he had built there. Calmness washed over him as he approached his brother's cell, playing with Viserys had become one of his favorite pastimes. Not all his torture had been physical. He had beaten his brother a few times, but not hard enough to cause any irreparable damage. But that didn't mean he hadn't tortured him psychologically. He had blasted a siren for two days straight, not allowing his brother to sleep for even a minute. The bright lights in Viserys's cell had been left on for most of the days he had been there. He had put medicine in some of his brother's food, making him sick several times. Viserys had shitted and pissed all over himself before Daemon had one of his men hose him down with cold water. Now the man was afraid of eating.

Daemon was tired of the physiological torture and he wanted to get a bit more physical. He didn't want Viserys to think that he had gone soft. He entered the cell and smiled when he saw his brother strapped down to a chair. His arms had been secured to the arms of the chair, making it possible for him to only move his fingers.

"I hope you are rested." He had turned the sired the night before and turned down the lights. He even had one of his men give Viserys a blanket, his brother had slept like a baby. He hadn't wanted Viserys out of his mind for what he had planned. "I wanted to make sure you were rested for this."

"For what?" Viserys's eyes widened in fear when Harwin walked in and handed Daemon the bone shears. "What are you doing?"

"I think I have been a gracious host, I have only beaten you twice and I didn't even do it too hard." Daemon moved closer to his brother, taking hold of his right pinky and giving him a smile. "Feel free to scream."

Viserys's screams echoed around the basement, making Daemon happy that he had the forethought to soundproof it when he had it built. He removed all ten of Viserys's fingers before bringing in the doctor to treat him and make sure his brother wouldn't go into shock and die. He didn't want his death to be too quick, he barely had enough time to play with him. He threw the shears aside before turning to Harwin.

"Allow him five hours of sleep." He rolled his eyes when he realized Viserys had fainted. "After that, blast the siren."

Harwin nodded and Daemon walked out of the basement. He would be spending some time with Rhaenyra and Aemond today. Rhaenyra had reminded him that Aemond's birthday would be in a few months and she had already started planning to make it special. She had insisted they had to throw a party and she would be inviting his men's children and children from the Valyria family, which Daemon now ruled. He hadn't even tried to tell her no, he was happy that she was so excited about it and wouldn't take that away from his son or her.  


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