Chapter 10

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It is the day of Aemond's release and he surprises his father. Harwin talks to Rhaenyra about Daemon. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

2 days later

Daemon was exhausted and to be honest, he was pissed off. Rhaenyra had barely spoken two words to him for the past two days unless it had to do with Aemond. After the night when she had almost castrated him, he had sent Mysaria home and hadn't talked to the woman since then. He had taken Mysaria to the events because, for a man in his world, it didn't look good when he attended alone. There was also the fact that Mysaria was a very good spy and always gave him useful information. He wished he could have taken Rhaenyra, but he hadn't wanted people to know she was staying with him, that would put her in danger. But he should have told her about Mysaria, should have explained to her what was happening. Now Rhaenyra was pissed at him and barely looked his way.

He had arrived with Harwin that morning, Rhaenyra had stayed with Aemond since only one person was allowed to stay and Rhaenyra had made it clear she was not leaving. He was happy to find out that the IV had been taken out and Aemond was back in good spirits. Rhaenyra had stepped out and headed to the cafeteria, she had not eaten anything all day. One of the nurses had come into the room and taken Aemond's temperature, she had spoken to his son, who was soaking up all the attention and smiling at the nurses. Apparently, his son was popular because several nurses came to see him and kept calling him their favorite patient.

"Are you ready to go back home?" One of the nurses asked Aemond while placing a bandage over the bruise the IV had left, and the little boy nodded his head. "You need to come visit us from time to time, we will be lonely without you."

"Ok," Aemond answered, making Daemon smile.

"Well, if you are ready to go home then you will need to drink this." The nurse had a small cup in her hands with red liquid inside. "Once you drink it then you will be able to go home with your dad."

Aemond wrinkled his nose at the medicine and shook his head. The nurse tried to coax him to drink it with no success until Daemon felt bad for the woman.

"I will make sure he drinks it," Daemon said as he took the small cup from the woman. "We still have to wait for his release papers."

The nurse nodded her head and left the room, almost crashing against the dark-haired woman walking through the door.

"Mysaria?" Daemon frowned at the woman. "What are you doing here?"

Daemon had never taken Mysaria to his house, even when they had been lovers, and he had never brought her around Aemond. Women he slept with were not welcome around his son, except for Rhaenyra. He was confused as to why she was at the hospital now, he had ignored all her texts and phone calls since Friday.

"I came to see this handsome fella." She smiled at Aemond, who was frowning at her. "I brought you something."

Mysaria pulled a teddy bear from behind her back and moved closer to Aemond. The boy looked at him and after a nod from Daemon, he took the stuffed toy the woman offered.

"Come on, you have to take your medicine." Aemond frowned again and shook his head. "Come on, don't be stubborn, once you take it we can go home."

"No, daddy." Well, the boy had inherited the stubbornness from him. "I don't like it."

"I know, but you have to take it." There was also the fact that he would have to keep taking it while being home and Daemon didn't want to fight him every time he had to take the medicine. "This is to make sure you don't get sick again."

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