Chapter 23

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Daemon enacts his plan for Viserys. For those of you who don't like violence skip the whole chapter. I hope you guys like it 🥰

Viserys had always told him he was too impulsive, too impatient, and that he didn't wait for things to come to him. Viserys had told him that a good capo knew when to inflict fear and went to back down. Daemon could not help but smile as he remembered all the conversations he and his brother had. Viserys had been wrong about so many things. Daemon could be patient if he had enough motivation. Sometimes being impulsive was a good thing because it allowed him to act first, it was better to be on the offensive than the defensive. But the thing Viserys had been most wrong about was telling Daemon a good capo knew when to back down because that was a lie. A good capo knew to rule with an iron fist and make his enemies too afraid to cross him. A good capo knew to never back down because more than likely that meant you were dead or under someone else's thumb.

Looking at the house he had come to every summer when he was a child made him smile. His father had brought him to the castle and explained his legacy to him. His father had taught him what it meant to be a Targaryen. He was pissed that Viserys had been living in it for so many years but knew that was about to come to an end. All the guards at the front entrance had been killed, not that there had been many of them. This was supposed to be a family meeting, so all the extra security wasn't necessary. That was another one of Viserys's mistakes, he should have known a good capo always prepared for the worst. Harwin stepped beside him and gave him a small nod.

Daemon walked to the front door, opened it, and walked inside. Immediately entering the code in the alarm pad, before entering a second code that shut all the security cameras in the house. Rhaenys had done very well, which was why he would spare her son. He looked at Harwin, who gave him a nod, letting him know that all the men were in position before he walked into the living room.

"I am so happy to see the whole family together." Daemon smiled when he saw the blood leave Viserys's face. His brother became deadly pale. Some of the men in the room stood up, their hands going to their guns. They didn't make it, Daemon and Cregan's men swarmed the room and in a matter of seconds had every man under control. Daemon's smile widened. "Please, don't stand on my account."

His men forced the other ones to their knees as Daemon moved a bit closer to Viserys. "Brother, you look awful. I don't believe power agrees with you."

"Daemon," Viserys's words were more a croak than anything else and he swallowed before attempting to speak again. "How are you here?"

"What do you mean? You send me a personal invitation." Daemon sat on the arm of the chair currently being occupied by Aegon, Viserys's son. Aegon was thirteen; Alicent had already been pregnant when Viserys married her. Daemon put his hand on the boy's shoulder when he tried to stand up, keeping him in place. "I couldn't ignore all the men you sent me."

"What is he talking about?" Ardrian Celtigar frowned, looking between him and Viserys.

"My brother didn't tell you? Well, that shouldn't be a surprise, that wasn't the only thing he has been hiding from all of you." Daemon looked at Ardrian. "My brother sent men to my house to kidnap Rhaenyra and bring her back, and to kill my son." Ardrian paled at his words and Daemon turned his glare toward Viserys. "I spent a lot of time talking to Criston Cole, who told me the orders he had been given. How my dear brother ordered him to gut my two year old son and leave him in my bed for me to find."

"That is despicable." Ardrian glared at Viserys. "You know perfectly well wives and children are not to be touched."

"That is the truth, so I thought I should return the favor." The last word was barely out of his mouth and his gun was already out. The gunshot echoed in the room as Aegon slumped backward on the chair, blood running down the side of his face. Daemon had been investigating Viserys and his family and he knew he had done everyone a service. Even while Aegon was still a kid, he had already raped several girls and killed a few of them. Otto and Viserys had hidden the evidence away. Daemon turned to his brother, the smile still on his face. "A son for a son. You are lucky I didn't gut him like you wanted my son to be."

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