Chapter 1.

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Meredith's POV

I thought that going home would be leaving my problems...well problem. But nothing is going away. I'm here waiting for my plane to board, yet all my anxiety and painful emotions are still here, clouding my thoughts. There is no worse person to have been cheated on, he's everywhere. I look to the left and there's an Ed Sheeran tour add. I look to the right and there's an Ed Sheeran album add.

Sighing to myself, I grab my bag and stand from my seat at the window or the waiting area. "I need coffee." I whisper to myself knowing it should wake me up just a little bit. Not only do I have the weight of him cheating on my shoulders, but I also can't stop thinking about how horrible the plane ride will be. I'm terrified of being suspended hundreds of feet in the air going hundreds of miles per hour while anything could happen.

A bird can get caught in one of the engines. The pilot can somehow mess up. We can be shot out of the sky. Anything is a possibility when it comes to anxiety. My mom used to tell me not to think of the what if's, think of the outcome. The outcome of this horrible plane ride will be getting home to the people who truly care for me.

I find the nearest Starbucks and get the largest and strongest coffee I could think of before just walking around. The plane doesn't start boarding until it's done expectation which won't be for another half an hour. Even then, I have the half an hour they give you to board the plane so no one misses it.

Finding an open table in the food court, I take a seat. After a good three minutes of scrolling through my twitter feed on my phone, it's easy to tell the some of the fans have figured it all out. I click on an article titled 'Ed roaming London in search for Meredith?'. The full story pops up and I can't pass up the opportunity to read it.

Last night, famous dancer; Meredith Jane, was seen all over central London making phone calls with tear stained cheeks. This leading up to today when Ed Sheeran, Meredith's boyfriend and international pop-star, was seen doing the same thing and even taking a stop at her work.

What could this mean for the world famous couple? Could they possibly be over? The story is still forming and we'll keep you updated with more as it comes.

I have to admit that the paparazzi has stepped up their game. They already know most of the story. I, of course, am not going to go around saying that Edward Christopher Sheeran cheated on me. Although he made a horrible mistake, I still love him and would never ruin someone's career and world wide reputation like that.

"Is this seat taken?" A boy in his mid-twenties asks. His caramel colored hair and soft brown eyes match perfectly. Along with his strong posh British accent. Although I've lived in England for a few months now, that accent never gets tired.

"Of course not." I say sending a weak smile. My emotions won't allow much of a large smile at the moment.

"Do I know you?" He asks as he sits directly across from me.

"You might have seen or heard of me. I'm Meredith Jane, I dance." I reply taking another sip of my fresh coffee. I can tell my name surly clicks in his brains because his eyes light up with joy.

"That's right! I'm James Darling, nice to meet you Meredith. My little sister dances as well and she's a huge fan of yours. Do you mind if I get your autograph for her?" He asks sweetly running a hand through his perfectly styled fringe.

"I would love to. That's so sweet of you." I say just as my bad emotions give up and let my full smile shine through. I really do love when people recognize me for dancing rather than association with Ed Sheeran. Why does everything in my life have to lead back to him right now. I remember how he always told me I'd be a great actress, that is certain right now because I'm hiding my sorrow pretty well from the public.

"Are you here for a plane?" I ask while using a pen to sign a piece of paper he gave me. I wrote a little note to her as well. It says 'Nevery give up dancing, because it can help you through even the worst of times like it did for me. Meredith Jane xx'.

"Yes, actually. I'm heading over to California. That's where I go to university, I was just here to visit my family." He replies as I hand him the signed paper.

"That's fantastic. I'm going back to Cali as well. Long story, as to why I am. I'm flight 493."

"Me too! Hopefully we have close seats." He says with pure excitement in his voice. I nod in agreement. I wouldn't mind a whole flight with a non-annoying sweet boy rather than a most likely annoying stranger. Maybe talking to him can even get Ed off my mind.

Just as my phone begins to ring, I notice it's almost time to board. "Do you want to come with me? The plane should be boarding soon." I ask as I answer my phone.

"Sounds good." He replies. My bag is around my shoulders with my coffee in one hand and my phone in the other, pressed to my ear.

"Hello?" I ask into the phone.

"Hi, honey." My moms voice rings through the line. She's obviously having a good day, wish I could say the same.

"Hi, mom. What's up?" I ask. I don't think I'm going to tell her that I'm coming. Maybe it can be a nice surprise for her. Well, I'll have to tell her about why I had to come home once I get there, but lets not worry about that now.

"I just missed you and wanted to see how you're doing."

"I'm doing okay. Can I call you back tomorrow? I'm at work till late tonight." I lie. I'm just not in the mood to have a conversation with anyone that could possibly bring up the topic of Ed because I don't want to have to tell her abut what happened right now.

"Okay. Love you."

"Love you too, Ma. Bye." I say before hanging up.

"You rebel. You're not at work." James says making me laugh at his fantastic word choice. "Does your mum not know you're going home?"

"Nope, it was a kind of last minute thing. So I thought, might as well surprise her." I laugh just as my phone rings again. I look down only to see it's Ed calling. His contact name it 'Teddybear' with multiple hearts after it making me scoff. I gladly his ignore.

James and I made it to the boarding dock right in time for the plane to let us on. "Leave your bags here and take you carry ons with you." The flight attendant yells as we enter the long hall. I leave my duffel bag where they pointed to and took my back pack with me.

Now it's time to find my seat and mentally and physically prepare for the worst flight of my life. Lets just hope I can handle a panic attack on my own or James will know how to help me.


I'm currently hating Ed... Anyways. If you're reading this book that means that you've read my book 'Thinking Out Loud' that also means that a thank you is due. Thank you all so much for what you've done for me. Every single one of you has been there for me no matter what.

You might not know it, but a lot of the chapters I write, I write to avoid having a panic attack when I feel one coming. It's quite therapeutic. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

<<Ed Trivia>>


How many EPs did Ed release in 2010 under his own name?


Love you all.    -Hadleyxx

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