What Really Happened. Chapter 11.

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Ed, did Jasmine give better sex and that's why you ran back to her right away?

Ed: Honestly, no. I wouldn't cheat because of someone being better at pleasuring me then the person I love. I didn't know what I was thinking, I know being drunk isn't an excuse but it was just in the moment and I would take it back right away if I could.

Ed, what were you thinking while you were cheating on Meredith with Jasmine?

Ed: I wasn't thinking, that's the problem. I don't know why I would hurt Meredith like that, especially when she didn't deserve it. My pain was just so strong that I needed someone to distract me, but Meredith wasn't with me, she was out looking for me and I needed someone right that second. If only I waited a few minutes, she could have talked me through my pain rather than me hurting her like that.
Meredith, what's your next step?

Meredith: I have no idea. I wish I did, but I just don't. I'm so confused. I love him more than anything in the world, but I'm so hurt that I have to keep my love from blinding me. Who wouldn't be as hesitant as me when this has happened so many times?
James, what are your intentions with Meredith?

James: Well, there's no denying she's beautiful. I want to become her friend and hopefully more after that. I know she needs to heal, so I'm hoping I can help her heal. I'm just looking so be friendly.
Jack, why are you being so protective over Meredith (and being annoying)?

Jack: I can't help it! She's my best friend and she deserves better than to be cheated on, especially when you know what relationships she's been through in the past. There are so many reasons I've been like this, her being my best friend is just one of them. (They're are other reasons you'll find out in future chapters)
Meredith's mom, what are your thoughts on Ed cheating on Meredith?

Meredith's Mom: Ed is a great person, anyone can see that. People so make mistakes. And trust me, I know how it is when you're drunk. I was absolutely pissed to the point where mama bear almost came out (and trust me, you never want to meet her), but Meredith is a responsible adult and I believe she'll make the right decision and I'll respect that.

This is going to be in Ed's POV of when he cheated on Meredith.

Ed's POV

I was fuming at the thought of my parents telling Matt about my mum, but not me. I know I'm not the son that my parents want me to be, but we still care about each other. Why would they think Matt has majority over knowing if our mum has cancer.

Without thinking, I storm out the door. Leaving as fast as possible. I take a taxi and go anywhere that's not here. I just can't stop thinking, I just found out my mum has cancer, I just found out the told my brother way before me, I just yelled at Meredith. God, I need to get drunk, get it off my mind.

I end up going to a big London pub names "Jullie and Jax Pub". I used to come here all the time when I was a major alcoholic. "What would you like?" The bartender asks me.

"Pint of beer, I don't care what kind. Whatever's strongest." I answer not looking up. I just keep my elbows on the counter and as my hands hold my head from falling. The bartender fills up a glass and puts it in front of me. I hand him the money and chug it down in five minutes.

Only about an hour later, I've consumed five pints and start to head home. I need to get this pain away, the alcohol didn't fully help even though I'm completely drunk. I need to sleep maybe.

I get home extremely quick and stumble in through the door. Many people wouldn't be able to control themselves when they're this drunk, but I have plenty of practice. I walk out through the halls until I find the bedroom. After noticing Meredith isn't here to help me and keep me from doing something stupid, I take my phone out and dial Jasmines number. I just need a females company.

"Ed?" She asks clearly sleepily through the phone.

"Hey Jazzy, I miss you babe. Come over?" I slur though the phone.

"Ed, are you drunk? I can't come, you're dating Meredith." She says defensively.

"She's not here, come over."

"I'm on my way." She says before the line goes dead. I sit on the bed and about half an hour later Jasmine walks through my bedroom door. "Ed, I'll go get some water, you get in bed. You'll have a massive hangover tomorrow, where's Meredith?" She stammers out clearly not wanting to have sex with me.

"No, I want you right now." I was standing and walking over to her. She pushes me back on the bed and stares at me.

"Ed no, you're drunk. You don't actually want me, you love her." She says. It's true, but I just need someone and Meredith and I got in a fight.

"Jasmine please." I beg her. She nods slightly. I know I'm taking advantage of the fact that Jasmine still likes me, but I honestly don't care about anything right now. I can't think straight.

Jasmine sits on my lap and kisses me, I kiss her back right away. "What the hell!?" I hear Meredith's voice.


Hey faves, I'm back from vacation <3 school starts next week for me but I'll be updating like crazy now cuz I have great plans for this book. Hope you liked my little info type chapter here.

Love you all. -Hadleyxx

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