Chapter 41.

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Meredith's POV

The only upside I see of my injury is that now I'll be able to focus more on Ed and I's wedding and not put it aside like we have been doing. So, now I'm sat alone in my favorite chair in the house by the three large front windows in the living room that show off our street with the beautiful colored leaves. I'm looking for venues for our wedding, we both want a large one.

I'm thinking of a winter wedding, so it'll have to be indoors. We're already half way through the fall so I'll work fast with what I want. Ed's out getting ready for his concert tonight, it's a few hours away though so he won't be home until late. He wanted to send Jade over to take care of me as it's quite hard for me to get around right now, so I agreed so his rushing mind would stop panicking. Also, the wedding planner is coming over to meet me sometime tonight so it'd be nice to have my maid of honor here as well.

I've been very depressed the past few days in the hospital, it's only my first full day back home but I can't help but panic every time I think of how I'll never dance again. However, the wedding planning does cheer me up a lot. Getting married to an amazing man and having a family has always been a goal of mine, I know that's not the same for Ed. He's always wanted to get married and have a family, but he's told me he didn't think it would happen this early in his life.

But you never know, my parents got married when my mom was nineteen and my dad was twenty one; I guess that's not such a good example though since they're not together anymore.

As I hear the doorbell ring, my smile instantly grows and I push the wheelchair down the hall to welcome my guest. I open it to see it's Jade, as I expected. "Mere! How are you feeling?" She asks with her most caring voice. Her voice is a very prominent one, especially with her British accent.

"I'm alright; I can't wait for the wedding planner to arrive, I don't know where I want the wedding yet." I sigh moving my chair back to the living room and lifting myself to sit in the comfortable arm chair again. As the small circle table in the center of the three windows is two large arm chairs and a kitchen chair Ed pulled up earlier so Jade, the wedding planner, and I could all sit here once they arrived.

"Oh! Speaking of weddings, I brought something for you." She says excitedly as she plops herself into the kitchen chair so the wedding planner can have the arm chair when she arrives. She places a light purple envelope down on the table next to the fall scented candle I had set up for the meeting and a warm cup of hot chocolate I had made for myself.

I smile and grab the letter. In fancy cursive is written To Ed Sheeran and Meredith Jane. I open it carefully, knowing I need to save the invitation and envelope for my memories. Inside is a beautifully written letter with black calligraphy and a purple outline around the border of the words. It begins with, "Dear Meredith and Ed, I'm pleased to inform you that you are invited to Jade Macarthy and Oliver Blake's wedding", I read the rest and smile as Graham jumps and curls up into my lap. "It's Sunday, January 20th? You already know I have to be there."

"Well, obviously, and you're my maid of honor." She squeals taking a sip of my hot chocolate. Just then, the knock at the door makes Jade jump. "I'll get it!" She says running to the hall to answer the door. Her wedding is already almost finished planning, mines just beginning.

They both enter the room with large smiles on their faces. I had not met the wedding planner yet, Ed has though when he went downtown to her shop to set up an appointment. I'm quite content that she offered to come here, it makes it more cozy.

"Hi, you must be Meredith. I'm Lizzy, you can call me that or Liz, either works." She says while taking her seat across from me and next to Jade. She places down the files she's carrying.

"I am, nice to meet you. You must have already talked to Jade?" I say but state it more as a question.

"Indeed I have. She's your Maid of Honor." She shakes her head while opening her binder and sorting a few things. I nod my head. "Alright, well let's get into it. Ed informed me that you want a winter wonderland wedding, is that correct?"

"Yes, I want it to feel almost magical. I haven't picked a venue yet, I was hoping you had some ideas."

"Yes I do, I think you'll really love this one." She smiles and passes Jade and I a file loaded with photo's of one venue. "It's just outside Center London, in the North End. It's in a fancy club made for weddings and large events like that. It has a beautiful fire place and the way I plan to decorate will give it the full magical winter feel." She says as I examine the photos in awe.

"I'd love it here, it looks exactly how I imagined it." I smile. (Picture at the top of chapter).

"It's beautiful, Mere." Jade adds in just as much amazement, knowing what I like.

By the end of the appointment, we had already picked out quite a few things, but only broad subjects. We don't have an exact date set up yet, but we do know it'll be some time in February.

After cleaning up a bit, Jade helps me up the stairs and she goes to the guest bedroom. I go straight to Ed and I's room, beat from exhaustion. I lay in bed and sigh after changing into one of Ed's huge jumpers and some knee high fuzzy socks to keep my toes warm.

I turn my head over to see the clock reading 10:13PM, I sigh and take my phone off the nightstand and dial my dad's number.

"Hey, Honey." He answers immediately, It's only 5:13PM where he is currently.

"Hi, Dad. I already told you about the surgery, but now I'm home. I just had a meeting with my wedding planner. It'll be sometime in February." I say quickly, I have so much to talk to him about.

"Okay, have you told mom yet?" He asks referring to my mom.

"No, I'll tell her tomorrow though." I reply rolling over to get more comfortable.

"Good, she'll be mad that you told me first. Anyway, your sibling is due next week." She says excitedly.

"I know, it's been set in my phone. You'll call me right away, right? Do you know the gender yet?" I rush out. I've always been a middle child, but I've always wanted a sibling as well. Too bad I wont get the full experience since we wont grow up together.

"No, we wanted it to be a surprise. And of course I'll call you right away. Shannon's really nervous, she's never had children before.

"Yeah, I'll be nervous whenever I have kids too. It's a lot to handle."

"That wont be soon, will it?" He asks in his most fatherly tone making me giggle.

"I don't know, Dad, better cross your fingers." I let out a laugh at his frustration. "Mom wants to be a grandma so bad, she said she'll come visit all the time."

"Yeah, well get married first, then we'll talk." He says making my laughter grow even more.

"I'm working on that part, Dad." It's not like Ed and I are saving sex for marriage, we're already way past that, but I am saving getting pregnant and making a family for marriage. (A/N yes they have sex regularly, I just don't write smut cuz I don't want my friends to read it woops).

"Good, I've always wanted to see my baby get married." He says making my roll my eyes. He wasn't a part of my life for a while so it's nice to have his fatherly figure now. I guess it was just hard to before since he lived so far and I had hated him, but now that I'm past that, it's easier to stay in contact.

"Alright, it's really late. Goodnight, Dad."

"Goodnight, Mere."


What shows should I watch on Netflix?

Can someone make a trailer for Thinking Out Loud please?

And comment what you guys want to happen in the future in this book, plot twists and stuff.

I have so many good ideas for this book, it'll be so awesome.

Love you all.   -Hadleyxx

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