Chapter 30.

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+Meredith's POV+

"What was your favorite exhibit so far?" Ed asks clearly implying there's still more to see.

"I, personally, liked the piranha's and the Penguins." I reply taking hold of his hand. He said we're coming to get food now, which is a very good thing. My stomach is basically eating away at itself from the hunger. "What were yours?"

"My favorite is one we haven't seen yet; the Sea Turtles." He answers leading me to where the main lobby type area was where we entered. I immediately see a sign pointing up a staircase to the side that reads 'Underwater Café'. We take that rout and I'm not disappointed. There's fish tanks lining the walls with fish paintings on the ceiling. The places where you grab your choice of food from are designed to look like coral reefs.

"Why is that?"

"You'll just have to wait and see." Ed is always mysterious. Well, in life, he's pretty forward. But then when it comes to me and dates, he doesn't tell me anything. I like it that way, though. It's more adventurous and makes the dates a little more fun.

After getting in line, I decide to get some mac and cheese, Ed chooses dinosaur chicken nuggets. We then pay and find seats near the tanks so we can examine the fish while eating. In these tanks, there's more generic fish like sea horses and jellyfish, not so much sharks and manatees.

We finish the lunch relatively quick, then head back to where we left off to finish the rest of the aquarium. "All that's left are the sea lions, the larger jelly fish, and the Sea Turtles. It's all in one big room." Ed explains. He leads me into the room and I see three giant tanks. There's one tank all along the left wall containing some assortments of jelly fish, one along the right wall with sea lions, and one tank in the middle.

The middle tank has the sea turtles. The tank, however, is different from the other two because it's made to be the main attraction of the room, it's from ceiling to floor and a large cylinder. "Okay, sea turtles are last! First are jelly fish, then manatees then turtles." I say obviously most impressed by the turtles, I want the best for last.

We head to the jelly fish and awe in the graceful movement. They look really pretty with the light on them, since some of them are reflective like. There's all different shapes and sized and colors. I'm sure if you looked hard enough, you could find every color of the rainbow.

Next, we continue over to the Manatees. At this point, I can tell they started letting a bit more people into the aquarium but it doesn't bother Ed or I because they're not bothering us.

The manatees are large with adorable faces. However, they're almost scary as well. They eat their whole cabbage in one huge chomp.

Finally, we go to the turtles. As they're seat turtles, not just normal turtles, they're amazingly large. There's about five in the tank and it seems as though they're all coming to greet me. I let a huge smile fall over my face, I know turtles can live for hundreds of years so I can only imagine how old these ones are.

After about two minutes of examining the beautiful creatures, I notice two divers are in the tank. One is holding something like a large white board which is currently turned so I cannot see what it's for yet.

Both divers come and face me, I only assume they're doing something for the turtles right now, it is their job really. Both stay where they are, facing me. Then, the one holding the board gives the other side to the other diver, but it's still turned around so I can't see it.

Then my heart drops.

I feel my face burn up and my lungs almost completely empty of air the second the board turns around. It's surrounded by the turtles and divers in such a beautiful way.

I've never felt this way before, almost like I'm going to pass out, but I know I wont. I can just feel all the blood rushing to redden my cheeks. I feel every little thing in my body, every heart beat, every breath, every thought.

The board says 'Will you marry me, Meredith?'.

I turn my head to look at Ed, without even a thought. In fact, right now, I feel as though I have absolutely no control over my actions or my thoughts. Everything is so intense.

That's when I see Ed. He's on one knee with both arms up to hold a small black velvet box in his hands. I look back to the sign and see the turtles staring at me as if they know exactly what's happening, they're telling me to answer.

When I look back to Ed, he's opening the box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring. Silver wraps almost magically around the diamond in the middle, then the two to the sides for extra décor.

I try to speak but nothing comes out as I have no idea what I'm trying to say. I feel one tear rush down my cheek, then two, then three. "Yes." I whisper.

The look on Ed's face is one I'll never forget, his smile is so large and it's something no one has ever seen before. It almost looks like he's a five year old who just found the cookie jar. He looks almost as surprised as I am, that doesn't really make sense. Did he think I would say no?

He engulfs me in a strong brief hug before letting go to slip the ring on my finger. I already feel different.

Soon I'll be Meredith Grace Sheeran.




Dreaming Silently // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now