Chapter 18.

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+Meredith's POV+

"Thanks, mama." say sending her a quick smile. "It was delicious."

"Thank you, so what will you two being doing for the rest of the day?" She asks pulling her hands together on the table. I can tell she's just itching to say something, but I same really tell what it is.

"Just go get ready. We're leaving tomorrow." Ed replies after wiping his mouth with a napkin. My mom really pulled out all her nicest dinner stuff for this. It must mean a lot to her.

"Exiting, are you going to visit us tomorrow before you leave?" Adam asks joining in the conversation. He's a very polite person, I must admit. He's very quiet as well, doesn't speak much.

"Of course. We have a layover in New England as well so we'll probably go visit dad and Shannon." I answer. "Well, we should get going." I say trying my best not to be awkward.

"Okay, see you tomorrow." My mom says over-enthusiastically while jumping across the room to pull mw into a large hug. Soon after letting go, she hugs Ed, whispers something in his ear making him smile, then lets go.

"Yep, love you mama." I say one last time before pulling Ed and myself out of the apartment. I just can't wait to go back to the hotel and sleep. Hopefully tomorrow, we can visit Jack, then James, then head to the air port.

"What's the time, Teddy?" I ask quietly not even bothering to open my eyes. I'm even too tired to lift my head off of the car doors window.

"About nine, honey." I hear him speak as I drift further into sleep. I hear him speaking more, but I can't tell what he's saying, as I'm too far asleep already.

+Ed's POV+

Half way through my story about some boy I met on a plane that thought I was Rupert Grint, I hear little snoring. Just after pulling into the parking lot of the hotel, I look to my right to see Meredith fast asleep whilst curled up on the seat with her head against the window. She looks amazing like that, nothing disturbing her, just peacefulness. I can't wake her up from that.

After getting out of the car, I manage to get Meredith out as well, carrying her bridal style. I try my hardest not to hit her head on anything or drop her. Dropping he would be quite hard though, because she's not heavy. Not to mention I had to carry her in the Thinking Out Loud music video, the real challenge is not waking her up.

For nine at night, there sure are a lot of papz in the lobby just waiting for us to return. I don't understand how they managed to get into the hotel though. After about a million pictures, I head to the elevator to hopefully get to my room before they're able to follow and see which one I'm going to.

After getting into the room, I rest Meredith down and try not to wake her while I change her jeans into some or her sweats and her shirt into one of my shirts which is about five times too big for her.

I kiss her on the forehead before continuing to change into my pajama's and lay down as well. Today was a good day. I've missed being able to spend an entire day with her. There's not a thing in the world that I love more than Meredith Grace Jane.


I wake up to a shuffling next to me. Opening my eyes, I see Meredith wrapped up tight in my arms while on twitter. "Hi, Merebear." I say making her jump a little. I like noticing the little things about her, like the way she gets frightened so easily, or the way she taps her thumb when she's anxious.

"Teddy! You almost gave me a heart attack." She says turning her phone off my placing it on the side table before snuggling close into me.

"Sorry," I laugh trying to stay quiet as we are still in a hotel. "Ready to go say bye to everyone?"

"Not really." She whines standing up off the bed and ruffling her hair. I love how her hair gets all poufy and sticks up in the mornings, I find it adorable. "I don't want to cry. Don't let me cry. If you see teary eyes or hear a stuffy nose, bring up something really random to make me laugh."

"I'll try, but I'm not that random of a person." I say honestly making her burst out in laughter, almost falling over in the process.

"You not random? Never heard of that."

"What? Give me one example of me being random." I huff crossing my arms over my chest like a preschooler.

"Teddy, you have a tattoo of a ketchup bottle on your arm." She says without eve a drop of humor as she points to the tattoo she was talking about.

"Fair point, I'll try me best to distract you then. Maybe I can show you the video of me on Sesame Street." I say trying to brainstorm things that will keep her from crying, because honestly, I don't want to see her cry. Seeing her cry just once was already too much for me.

"Trust me, I've seen that a million times, Teddy."

"But, Love. There's nothing else funny." I say trying to think of more things, but literally nothing comes to mind.

"Well, once I saw an interview you were in where you played a little bit of a song you sang when you were, like, twelve." She says. I know exactly what she's talking about, and I really don't want her to have to hear that.

"Ugh, fine. But you can only listen to those demo's on last resort. If you don't need any cheering up, then I'm not going to show you them."

"Thank you, Teddy."


Should I write smut in this book? I wasn't sure if I should, you guys choose.

Truth: Have you had your first kiss, if so, where?

Tumblr: Aesthetic-lane

Love you all.  -Hadley<3

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