Chapter 13.

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+Meredith's POV+

"So, how's being famous going?" I ask Ed. He usually don't tell me about it just because he feels like he's waving it around when he does, but I actually like hearing about it. It's interesting to know how that kind of life feels, although, I'm sort of in it as well now.

"It's not that great right now, to be honest. So many paps on my back about us. Especially since I cancelled the mini tour, but it was so worth it to be here for you." He says making a smile appear on my face. "I'm going to start a new mini tour in a few months though."

"That's great, Teddy!" I say excitedly. "I still need to see you in concert."

"Yeah," he says. It's easy to tell that my previous statement made him happy by the extremely large smile that grew on his face. God, I missed that smile. I hope I never have to miss it again. I'm almost positive that tomorrow, on our last date of the week, I'm going to tell him that I forgive him and am taking him back. He's most defiantly earned it. "Oh, I almost forgot!" He says excitedly pulling a small box wrapped in purple wrapping paper and a little white bow out of his pocket.

"Ed, you didn't have to get me any-" I try to say but am cut off.

"But, I wanted to." He says handing it to me. I decide not to fight, because either way, he'll win. Opening the box, I gasp. It's a full silver necklace with a silver heart charm. The heart has engravings of swirls on it and a small encrusted red sort of jewel in the center of the heart.

"It's beautiful, Teddy." I say happily, looking at it even closer to see all the amazing design and patterns.

"It's a locket, open it." He says calmly but I know he's happy that I like it.

I open it, not knowing what to expect. It's a picture of Ed and I that Jade took of us only about a week before I left. We're standing together with a cookie in each of our hands and smiles on our faces. Ed's free arm is wrapped around me in the picture as mine is around him. "I love it, Ed. This is the best gift someone has ever gotten me." I say trying to hold back tears. "I love you."

"I love you, too. I'm so glad you like it. I didn't think the ones on display were good enough so I got to guy to make me a new one for you that no one else has." He says standing from his seat and taking it to put it on for me.

"You didn't have to get a designer one." I say in astonishment. "Those cost so much."

"Oh, don't worry. I can spare any amount of money for you, plus he gave me a 5% discount for signing an autograph to his wife." He says making me giggle slightly as he sits back down. I lift my hand to my chest to see how it feels again. I need to remember everything about it. How it feels, smells, looks, everything.

"You're such a good business man, Edward." I say sarcastically.

"I try." He says with that famous side smirk that I love.


After our dinner was finished, Ed and I walked back to the car and he drove me to Jack's house. "Thanks for tonight, Teddybear." I say as he opens my car door for me. Now, the sun is fully down and the only thing giving us light is the moon and the cars headlights due to the fact Jack's house is a more secluded part of the city so the city lights aren't as bright here.

"Anytime, Merebear." He says and before I can stop myself, my lips press to his. It's easy to tell he was surprised, but he kissed back as he came out of his second long shock. Just like old times, I have to stand on my tippy-toes and he has to lean down, but that's what makes us work. Tall and short go together just like peanut butter and jelly, sun and moon, black and white; just like him and I. We're so different, but we just work. No one knows why we work, that's just how it is.

After pulling away, I rest my head on his shoulder and hug him even tighter. That kiss reminded me of everything I love. He's what I love. Sparks never stopped flying. Usually when two people date for a while, the spark is just less noticeable because they're used to it. But with Ed and I, it's just as noticeable every time. There's always new surprises and you never know what's coming next. I love it.

"Thank you." I hear Ed. I move my head from his shoulder so I can actually see his face.

"What are you saying thank you for?" I ask with a little giggle.

"For giving me another chance to let me prove to you how much I love you." He says kissing me softly on the cheek.

"I'm glad you convinced me to give you another chance. You're quite the romantic." I comment smiling.

"That's what I do." He laughs pulling away ad walking back to the car. "I love you Merebear, see you tomorrow." He waves before getting back in the car and driving off. I wave back to him as he leaves Jack's driveway.

No day in my whole life has ever been better than today. And it was all thanks to Ed Sheeran.


Heya! I love and appreciate you guys more than anything in the world <3 Stay awesome and beautiful/handsome (whichever you prefer).

Comment on your favorite line of this chapter the most random thing you can think of.
Love you all.   -Hadley xx

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