Chapter 17.

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+Meredith's POV+

"You're going back there with him?!" Jack yells pointing behind me at Ed. Unfortunately, I just broke the news of Ed and I to him. It's quite apparent that he's not taking it well.

"Yes, Jack. You can't stop me. I'm adult making my own decisions." I reply trying not to work myself up, but failing. "Listen, just because you like me, doesn't mean I shouldn't have the right to like who I want." I huff pushing past him and to the room I was staying in to collect the small amount of things left. After walking back downstairs, I past the kitchen and see Ed and Jack in an intent staring contest. "Come on, Ted." I say.

He looks away from Jack, but not before giving him a nasty glare. Taking my back pack, he puts it in the back of his rental car for me as I get in. "I guess working things out won't work with Jack." I say sadly as we pull out of his familiar driveway.

"Well, you can call him every day when we get home and try to make things better. I'm sorry I ruined your best relationship."

"No, Ed. You didn't ruin it, he did. He needs to grow up. I love you, he needs to accept that and stop acting like a pre-schooler." I huff. It's hard to tell now whether I'm angry, sad, anxious, I can't really tell what I'm feeling. That's been the most constant thing in my life recently, just being unsure about everything. Never knowing which way to look.

Maybe that's why I knew it was right to take Ed back rather than second guessing myself once again, it was something that I was sure about even when the rest of my life is so blank to me right now. Both of my parents are now 100% moved on from each other (after a very long time), my best friend likes me, my home-city doesn't feel like home anymore, this new found fame. Ed is the only clear path, one that I couldn't risk missing.

"To your mum's house?" He asks breaking the empty sound of random pop songs coming through the radio static.

"Yes, please. She texted saying she's made some apple pie for us." I guess that's one thing to look forward to.

"Sweet. That reminds me," He says turning the radio down. "you have to meet my grandmother when we get home. Then you can try her cookies. She owns a little bakery in my hometown, quite old fashioned."

"Sounds great. Bakeries are one of my favorite things, most likely because my sweet tooth is the size of Alaska." I laugh. I have a habit to laugh to make things seem like a joke, when in reality they're just my ugly truths. I hear a little giggle from Ed, he knows it truth. No use in hiding my sweet tooth from someone that has lived with me, I guess.

"I love you." and I love when you randomly say that.

"I love you too, Teddybear." I reply instead of saying what's floating around in my mind. Somethings are better left unsaid. Even if they're not bad things, they're mostly compliments but I don't want to seem weird.

"I forgot how weird I get around you." I blurt out with wide eyes. That was one of the many things that was meant to stay in my mind. It's true though. I don't get awkward. In fact, I get more comfortable around him. But my usual randomness goes up by 1,000.

"I didn't. You're always weird." He says with no humor, complete honesty. "But you're my weirdo."

"Weirdo used to be an insult back in 2007." I laugh remembering the early days. All the kids used to get so offended when you called then a weirdo, maybe even tell the teacher on you.

"Well now it's my compliment to you. I think your weirdness determines your uniqueness as well." He says as we pull into the driveway of my mom's apartment building. Ed runs around to my side and opens the door for me, as usual.

"Such a gentleman. Your personality matches your love songs." I comment taking my hand in mine as we walk towards the lobby.  It takes us no time to reach my moms door. This time, I take precautions by knocking on the door rather than walking in on my own mom making out with someone I've never met before.

"Meredith! Ed! Come in." My mother squeals at the sight of the two of us in the doorway. She steps aside for our entrance.

"Hi, mom. Hi, Adam. This is my boyfriend, Ed." I introduce Adam who stands in front of us. They shake hands and trade a genuine smile.

"Nice to meet you, Ed. I've heard a lot about you." Adam says kindly as they finish off their hand shake. I take a seat at the table, making the rest of them follow and do the same.

"You as well."

"All good things, I hope?" He asks as a joke. I feel Ed's hand on my thigh giving me some sort of supplied comfort making me relax more in my seat.

"Of course. Nice to see you again, Ms. Jane." Ed's such a people person. I envy him. I know I'm quite good with people as well and don't have any social anxiety, but he just speaks so smoothly with people. It's like the words flow off his tongue without a second thought, he knows how to be polite.

"Thank you, you too Ed." She says before standing from her seat next to Adam. "Now, should I get the food?"


Truth: Comment the first thing to your left, that's your weapon in the llamapacalypse.

(my weapon is an algebra textbook) I love you guys so much, for real. You're just all so great and idk, I love it.

Love you all.  -Hadleyxx

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