Chapter 15.

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+Meredith's POV+

Just like he said, Ed came back right on time. But instead of the casual attire he left in, he's now in a tux. "Oh, Ed. I feel really underdressed." I laugh nervously holding the door open as he stands in the frame. He forgot his key, so I had to open the door for him.

"No need to worry about that." He says in his strong accent before pulling his hands from behind his back reveling a beautiful dress. It has a tan slip under with lace patterns an roses going all the way up to the neck. I gasp quietly at its beauty.

"I don't have shoes." I say trying to think of any reason not to accept all of what he's giving me. I feel guilty taking all these presents from him. I feel like fans of his and the public will think he's like my sugardaddy and I'm just using him. Although, he has amazing taste in clothing.

"Right." He says as if remembering something. He walks in the door and past me to the one closet in the hotel room. Only moments later, pulling out beautiful black heals. They're about five to six inches tall with black lacing all up the front up to just above the ankle.

"Ed, I can't take all of this." I say trying to suppress a smile. The smile, however, can't be controlled. Knowing that Ed Sheeran is all mine and found it his duty to want to make everything up to me and gain my trust back, it's just amazing.

"But you have to. No buts." He says pushing me in the bathroom with the shoes and dress. "We leave in ten minutes. Hope that's enough to get ready for you." He says closing the door. From his tone, I can tell he's happy that I like the gifts.

Without wasting time, I strip and pull the dress on. It's even more beautiful when it has curves to fill it rather then being cold and empty. Holding my hair up, I turn around to look at the back of the dress. It fits perfectly, bows leading up the back with a top cut just at my shoulders. Luckily, he knew not to get strapless. I didn't bring a strapless bra with me here.

After brushing out my hair with the brush left next to the sink, I examine my makeup. I'm honestly so glad that I wear waterproof everyday, or else this would be a disaster. Finally, I pick up my bag and take out the only type of makeup I managed to scrap from the things of mine in Jack's house, lipstick. It's a dark red, matches well with my eyes.

After slipping on the heals, I take one last long glance in the mirror, admiring the shape of the dress. It's form-fitting at the top all the way down to my waist. The end is a bit more flowy, hanging off my hips and going just above my knees. Smiling to myself, I head out to see Ed who's leaning again the hall wall right in front of the bathroom door.

As he looks up, I see ire in his eyes. Trust me, he has a lot of that, but never like this. I've never seen his eyes so bright and daring, lustful and tempting. "You look beautiful." He says after finishing the long look at me.

"And you look incredibly hansom. Where are we off to?" I ask as he politely opens the doors for me. I walk out into the hall before he joins at my side. I wrap my arm in his as we walk towards the lobby.

"You'll just have to wait and see Ms. Jane."

"Oh last names?" I say with a quick smirk. "Two can play this game, Mr. Sheeran."

Ed waves to the man at the front desk before we continue off to his rental car which it graciously brought to the front right outside the main doors. I hop in the passengers side after Ed opens the door once again. He takes no time at all to hop into his side and begin
the journey to the last date.

The ride to this location was a bit longer than the other dates but it's not bad when you have someone you love.

"This is it?" I ask a little confused as to why we're parked on the sidewalk of a street.

"Yep!" He smiles holding my hand and helping me out of the car. "Just wait to be amazed."

We walk down the street only a block and I notice how busy the street is. Ed and I hang our heads low to prevent attention before e pulls me in the doors of a skyscraper. In no time, we're in an elevator.

"Close your eyes." He says. He clicks the elevator button after I close my eyes so I don't know which floor we're going to. Then, the doors open again and Ed takes my hand again. Whatever floor we're on, it's extremely loud. I can even hear the cars.

"Okay, open."

Opening my eyes, I gasp. We're at the top of the skyscraper. The moon is just starting to rise as the sun sits over the ocean. Below, to the sides, and in front of the building we're on, cars and people are racing around.

Luckily, Ed didn't lead me to close to the edge. Just enough so I wouldn't be scared but could still see the whole beautiful sight ahead of us. "It's amazing."

"Well thank you, darling. Would you like a seat?" He asks pulling out a chair at a small table for me. The last date was more vintage old time feeling, this one is much for modern but it's absolutely stunning.

After both of us are seated, I notice the fire heaters near us, giving off warmth. Ed lifts the kid of the food and I smile. "I know it's not elegant, but I also knew it's your favorites." He blushes. The small details he knows, remembers, and applies about me still amazes me to this day.

"Mozzarella sticks and Banana Bread." I state with a smirk. "Nice touch."

"Well thank you." He laughs as we begin to dig in.

For the next ten minutes, we just ate, talked, and laughed. Again, I feel almost at peace; like I'm together again. That's something I didn't feel with him at my side. I know that much.

"I love you, Ed." I state just as the finishes setting and the moon rises right above our heads.

"I love you too, Meredith. More than the world." After a pause of us just staring into each other's eyes, I speak again.

"I forgive you."

Dreaming Silently // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now