Chapter 28.

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+Meredith's POV+

I overheard Ed talking about how nervous he is for this concert, I honestly don't understand though. Everyone knows that Ed doesn't get nervous about these things anymore. He only said "how should I do it, though?" and "she won't be happy", there are a few ways this could end.

Either he's going to do something really stupid, or he's going to ask me to marry him. Actually, maybe even both. Yes, I love Ed to the moon and back, but I always imagined not getting married. I've always tried to imagine me with a cute happy family and a husband that I love, but being me, I thought I would end up alone.

I was terrified of the thought that I would be alone, but now that I hate someone like Ed, it's so scary as well. It's scary for no reason.

What am I saying? I don't even know if it'll happen.

What's currently happen seems to be clouded by my thinking until I hear Ed speaking over the stadium creating a roar louder than anything I've ever heard from the crowd. Even louder than all the nights prior to this one. I can't help but let the smile spread on my face.

After his few opening songs, I'm already ecstatic and dancing to his songs. "Alright, for this one, I'm going to have to ask someone to come out here." He says making the audience roar. "Meredith," My heart stops, I don't like huge crowds. "come here."

I do as he says and slowly walk on stage, stiff as a brick. He laughs which comes as a muffled sound as the people screaming covers over his voice. He jogs over and grabs my hand to pull me to the mic with him.

"So, Meredith, how long have we been dating?" He asks to me but also for the microphone to pick up.

"A year and a half, now." I reply keeping my voice stiff and clean cut.

"Yeah, so I was wondering if you would want to dance for this song." He smiles making my heart beat faster. He knows what he's doing, he knows that all the famous dancers will see this and videos of it, all my life long idols. He knows that the most I've ever dance for was maybe 1,000 at most.

Nevertheless, I nod my head. A male dancer comes out and Ed comes to whisper in my ear. "I have to sing but it's the same dance as the music video." He says and I nod my head. I'm conveniently in an outfit that is quite easy to dance in.

The song begins and I'm off. I've never done such an intricate dance without practice with that specific person before and it could be risky so let's just cross our fingers.

I take one deep breath an count it, then two, then three. Before I know it, the music is starting. I begin the dance that I've done a hundred times. Ed and I obviously haven't done it in a while, but it's a hard dance to forget.

I trust this guy as I know Ed picked him and he wouldn't have picked anyone other than the best.

Before I know it, we're already half way through the song. I should create a list of reasons I love dance, forgetting everything would have to be one of the top five reasons. I get on stage and for a moment, I'm terrified, but when the music begins, I have nothing more to worry about.

Luckily enough, the stages side is helpful considering it's almost as large as the dance floor from our filming. I thought at first that it would be hard not to bump into Ed at the front of the stage and knock him off, but it's not really.

I hear his smooth soothing voice and let it take me through the song. I can feel this emotion in it that I didn't hear the other two nights previous, it's directed to me. Each and every word, I feel aimed at me. He knows how he's helping me right now, he's making me overcome my stage fright, just like he did with the plane. I definitely won't be over either of them, but he kind of pushes me and it helps me so much.

With one last move, the song ends and the audience erupts into cheers and screams. I smile and jump up before giving Ed one last peck of a kiss only making the crowd 'awe'.

I don't think I've smiled so much in one day before. I go offstage, all senses of insecurity or slight fear or being disliked vanishes. First thing when I get back stage and hear Ed talking to the crowd again, Jade engulfs me in a massive hug. I hold back tears and hug her back, not sad tears, but tears of "what the actual fuck just happened".

"You did amazing, Mere." She yells making me laugh.

"You did." A new voice adds from somewhere off to my far left. I'm unable to pay attention to Ed's usual singing due to this conversation, so I guess he'll have to sing it to me later, I'll actually be quite happy about that.

I look to see where the agreeing compliment came from only to see the man I just danced with, with a girl I've never seen before to his right. "Thank you, you did great as well. Nice to meet you by the way, I'm Meredith Jane." I introduce shaking his hand.

"Harish Pankan." He replies his name. "And this is Gina Foss, she's my main dance partner." It's just now that I pick up on his Indian accent. I shake Gina's hand as well and give them both a big smile.

"Anyways, my boyfriend, Gina, and I were wondering if you'd like to work with us." He says making my ears perk in interest. "We work as dance models and a dance team basically, with Juno's Incorporated. We get on covers of a lot of sports magazines and do a lot of competitions and recitals."

"Wow, I'll have to think about it but that's great." I say not being able to resist the smile. "Here, put your numbers in. I'll contact you within the next three days. Sound good?" I ask knowing I have to do some research on the company and all that stuff, I'll have to mention it to Ed as well. I'm sure he'll be on board.


A/N I'm pumped for the next few chapters, you guys will love what's coming up. Also, is anyone on this going to Syms UNH band camp this summer? I'm going.

Love you all.   -Hadleyxx

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