Chapter 12.

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Hey Guys, read Struggle by zoeshirra69 , she's my friend and I read the first chapter and already love it. It's a Laston fanfic <3

+Meredith's POV+

"So, you walked in on them kissing?" Ed asks laughing as he drives me to our next date destination.

"Yeah, so gross. I'm happy for both of my parents though, finally finding love again." I reply, adjusting myself more comfortably in the car's seat to lean on the middle console. "Oh and they said the next edition of the magazine is going to be packed with our drama and they tried to stop it, but they're not allowed to."

"Great." He sighs sarcastically. "At least they tried."

"Well, yeah. I am her daughter. She doesn't want me or you looking bad. She still loves you and supports me giving you another chance. She wants you to come over for dinner soon and meet Adam." I reply taking a sip of my iced tea.

"That's good, your mom is great." Like I always used to think, his voice is a power. Some words are just extremely attractive with his accent and voice and just everything about it.

"So where are we going?" I asked finally. He really likes his surprise dates. He just slightly smirks.

"We're here." He says pulling into a secluded park. "I tried recreating our date I took you on in London."

I gasp in amazement as my view becomes clearer to the beautiful decor he's set up for the both of us to enjoy. Lights are everywhere just like the first time, but this time, there's a little pond with ducks swimming all around. The park is surrounded by large trees making up a forest. Usually I'm terrified of forests, but this one holds such beauty that it feels safer, not to mention most f my anxiety disappears when Ed is around.

Just like that time I have the big competition in London and I was scared but once I saw in right in the front, all my fear vanished. That's a memory I will never forget.

"You like it?" He asks taking my hand in his and pulling me away from the car to get closer to where the picnic is set up. This time, a small circular metal table sits by the water with a dance white cloth draped over it along with two antique looking blue metal chairs. There's a little archway we have to walk through on the small cobblestone path which is laced with flowery vines making my mouth drop.

"I-it- it's amazing." I manage out. I can't even speak because I'm in such a trance of awe. I'm always a sucker for flowers; and this place is loaded. Flower bushes, pink blooming weeping willow trees, mums, and all different colors of roses.

"Great." He smiles. He even pushes my chair in for me before sitting in his own seat, which happens to make my cheeks blush. He's the only person who has ever made me feel this way. He's defiantly a romantic.

The table consists of our plates, silver wear, glass wine cups, fancy folded napkins in the shape of some sort of triangle, an scented candle. It's too notch fancy, that's for sure. They even have the soup spoon, two forks, a knife, and a regular spoon.

Before I could say something about how perfect this is, a waiter comes up and hands up menus. "I recommend the seasoned steak with mashed potatoes or the pasta mix with red sauce and garlic." The waiter says kindly.

"I'll have the pasta." I reply. I love pasta and I would try the steak if I weren't vegetarian.

"I'll have the steak." Ed says as the two of us hand back tee menus. "and can you bring the bottle of wine I picked out earlier when you come please, thank you."

"Of course, Monsieur." And with that, he walked away.

"This is just unbelievably perfect Ed." I say as tee sun goes down even further making the garden lights glow even more hanging from tree to tree, surrounding us in color.

"Thank you, I like to think that I'm a better date planner than I am a singer." He says making the two of us laugh in unison. I missed his laugh, that's for sure. "Something I have to tell you while we're hear," he says as if remember something's he was meant to say earlier. "Please give Jasmine another chance like you gave me one, I kept telling her to and she was denying it at first. You can't blame her for giving in to me, you know how se loves me still. Love is stronger than anything in the world."

After a pause, I nod. "Okay but same rules apply for her, she breaks them, she's out." I reply. I do miss being friends with Jasmine. It's only fair that if I give Ed another chance from what he did, she gets another as well because she only did the same thing he did.

"Okay thanks, Merebear. I just felt bad having all the blame on her when is was mostly me." He says putting his hand on mine on the table.

"Thank you for tonight, Tebbybear." I say sincerely.

"It's only just getting started, babe." He smiles. Just then, a small orchestra of violins, cellos, bass', flutes, etc. comes out and starts playing my favorite classical composer; Mozart.

"You know me too well." I smirk at him.


First two days of high school is complete. I feel even more motivated to update so be expecting a lot.

IM STARTING A NEW ED FANFIC SOON!!!! It's not in this series but I think it'll be good. (Books name; not picked yet.)

Love you all. -Hadleyxx

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