Chapter 25.

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+Meredith's POV+

"That was a nice little date." I comment to myself mostly. A date with Ed, however, is always perfect. If not perfect, then at least not an inch off of amazing.

"It was." Ed agrees with a quick smile that could cause anyone to melt.

"You go on in ten, Ed." Amy says peering in the room through the small crack. Well, really it's less of a room, more of a curtain-type- tent set up backstage for us to sit and for him to get ready before the show.

"Okay, thanks Amy." He replies, but, with a sense of anger in his tone. Most likely due to the fact that Amy's not that good of a person in our relationship and supported the break up for its publicity.

"Where do I go while you're on stage?" I ask him, standing and brushing the imaginary dust from my dress.

"You can stand on the side stage, or you can come on stage with me." He winks before throwing the guitar over his head.

"Nice try, Teddy. I'm good though, I can hear the amount of people out there, and it's a no from me. You and I both know my stage freight and fear of large groups." I reply just before taking a water bottle off the counter next to us before we head out into the side of the stage.

"Hey, it was worth a shot." He laughs as some people do the final adjustments on his microphone which rests on the stage. I like the idea of seeing him perform from the side, I can get the show without people dancing up on me. Not to mention, although I'm afraid of groups, the best feeling is when people take out lights during a slow song. So, from here, I can see that perfectly.

As his opening video starts, the audience's screams could be heard from outer space. I give Ed and kiss on the cheek before he runs out on stage. Just when I thought it would be impossible, the audience only gets louder when they see him, sounding like wild animals that haven't eaten in a week seeing meat.

I've never seen something so amazing. I like the thought of us being a performing couple. Both of us just want to publically spread our passions. I love that; something so simple.

"How are you all doing tonight?" I hear. I my head, it's easy to imagine he's talking to me even though thousands of people scream in response. "I have a very special guest here tonight, she's the love of my life so in stead of starting the concert off with I'm a Mess, it'll be Give Me Love; one of my personal favorites."

Ed knows that's one of my favorites. It's in the top three of the 'plus' album and the top five of all of his songs.

I blush, he remembered. Not only that but he also just announced that I'm the love of his life in front of this many people. I can't even begin to fathom the immense amount of heaviness on my heart right now. This is the way my chest feels when I have a panic attack, but right now, I think I'm just too in love for my heart to work properly.

I know he's been doing this for quite an amount of years, but this is his first concert with me here, my Ed, and I'm so proud of him.

"This is for Meredith Grace Jane," He says just as his fingers strum the guitar for the first cords. "I love you."

I'm not sure why, but I need to reply. "I love you too." It's funny, he can't hear me. I know he can't hear me, but the side glances and him in general lets me know that he knows I'll reply either way.

After the song ends, I'm already on the verge of crying. He sure knows how to work an audience.


After the encore, Ed comes running to me. "Follow me!" He says, handing the guitar to a backstage set man and grabbing my hand. I follow him, confused, to the black Range Rover and jump in after him.

"Why'd we run?" I ask as the driver skids out of the place as fast as possible. It's not like fans could just us from back stage.

"We do that after every concert to beat the traffic, they can't get out as fast so they can't follow us or block us in. Trust me, Mere, it's happened before and it's not fun." He says with a sarcastic laugh. I raise my eyebrows as a sign to continue with the story as I wrap my arm in his.

"Okay, it was my mum's birthday and I was late to her family party. I felt like shit."

"Oh my, why didn't you just invite her to your concert for her birthday?" I ask with a little laugh but stop when he makes a more serious face.

"She wanted to spend time with my family." Said with a small hint of pain, I run my thumb up and down his forearm. He's a bit sweaty, but it's worth it since he's clearly upset about the small amount of support from his family.

"Well, I think you did great. Amazing, even. I always knew your voice was pure gold, but when it's in a stadium, it's magic."

"Thank you, Merebear." He smiles looking back to me. "We should get the most fattening pizza we can tonight and invite Oli and Jade to sleep over."

"Sounds like a plan, I'll text her when we get home."

Dreaming Silently // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now