Chapter 32.

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This day a year ago, a very important person in my life passed away in a car crash. Rest in Peace, Trevor. I love you. -Hadley

+Ed's POV+

"Eddy, I don't want to miss your concert." Mere whines as she flops her back onto the bed. I pull on some clean jeans and a random band shirt which is almost too destroyed and worn out to still be wearing.

"But, Mere, you need to go to work. Not to mention you can come to every other concert and they're the same set list." I argue.

"Fine, but you better give me some good food when you get home." She replies jutting her bottom lip out to over-exaggerate her "sadness", and crossing her arms over her chest. "Well, today will still be fun because we're working on some air tricks. My partner that will be holding me is a professional from Australia; his name is Demetri." She says with some sort of excitement I know she can't hide.

"That sounds fun, be careful. I have to go off to a quick interview before going to sound check. I'll see you late tonight." I say ruffling my hair in the mirror and finding a quit jacket to put on before kissing her on the cheek and running out the door. I missed my alarm and only woke up when Meredith accidently pushed me off the bed, so now I'm rushing off to Amy who's been waiting in the car outside for a few minutes already.

I talk to Amy in the car mostly about what she's planned for the next month or so. The ride takes at least an hour before we finally arrive at a large gate with fans surrounding it trying to reach the closed windows of the car I'm in. Once we get through the gate, we go to the main studio building and get ready for the upcoming interview.


After the Interview, Amy rushes me off to sound check, which was about thirty minutes from the studio; guess I won't be getting home until late tonight.

After sound check, I go to my dressing room and dial Meredith's number. "Hello?", she answer's immediately.

"Hey, baby. About to go to work?" I ask, popping a grape in my mouth.

"Yep, just got here." She replies, "what time will you be home tonight? Should I wait up?"

"No, I'll be home around one or two o'clock. I'm sorry, but it's quite far." I sigh, hoping she won't be upset.

"Okay, well I have to go dance now. I love you, Teddy. See you later."

"I love you too, Mere. Bye." I reply before ending the call. Her voice before a concert calms the little nerves I get before them.

While laying out on the couch, I start to drift off to a daydream. I picture her walking down the aisle in the most beautiful wedding gown I've ever seen. Her long brown hair let down into loose curls with the front held back by the veil. I imagine the moment she's no longer Meredith Grace Jane; she becomes Meredith Grace Sheeran, my angel.

"Ed, time to get ready. Opening band is on now." Paul, the road manager informs me through a crack he opened in the door.

"Okay, I'm coming." I say snapping myself from the amazing trans I was recently sucked into by my Meredith.

I follow Paul out to the front of the backstage where I'm able to see the opening band performing. I watch the rest of their performance before they rush off and I start preparing. Amy only tells me to go out on stage once the sun is almost completely down so the stage lights look twice as amazing to the audience.

"Alright, you're on." She says from beside me. I take one deep breath before walking out at a normal pace. The cheer of the crowd always makes a smile on my face and down to the very last nerve vanishes. I go an adjust the microphone as it wasn't completely my height.

After about half way through the set list, I take a pause in between songs where I speak to the audience. Just as I'm about to start 'I See Fire' a backstage working dressed in all black comes out to me. I lean my head in to head what he has to whisper, which happens to make the audience scream in confusion.

"Ed, Amy got a call from the London Central Hospital. Meredith's there, she got in an accident while dancing. They asked who to call and she said Amy, she's about to be sent into surgery." He said before running off as fast as he came on.

My heart feels as though it stops and my lungs feel like they're being crushed. What do I even do? I'm in concert. "Um," Is all I manage to say into the speaker as tears start to run wild. "I was just told Meredith is going into surgery, she got hurt dancing." I explain not knowing what to do.

"Go to her!" The crowd starts. "Go to her! Go to her!" They chant in a pattern. I smile and run off stage leaving my guitar with Paul. I find Amy and make her take me right to the hospital.

Don't worry, Mere. I'm coming.


oh just wait kiddo's, some good stuff is coming up.

Love you all. -Hadleyxx

Dreaming Silently // Ed SheeranWhere stories live. Discover now