Chapter 21.

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#PrayForParis   #Remember9/11   #BostonStrong

Please support Paris. If any of my readers live or from Paris, I'm sorry. Stay safe.

-Meredith'S POV-

"What do you want to do on your first day home?" Ed asks as I kiss him on the cheek. The smell of his pancakes is absolutely amazing.

"I'm sure you could guess." I say sending him a wink and squeezing his butt quickly before hopping up on the counter and sitting next to the coffee maker. I honestly can't believe I just did that, but it's to late now. Ed laughs as he finishes off making the last pancake. "So when does the tour start?" Jumping off the counter, I help him set the table; but just as I go to grab two plates, he grabs two more.

I give him a confused look but he simply ignores it before continuing to set the two extra spots. "Next month, the fifth of December. There's just three concerts here in London three nights in a row, then two in Ireland, one in Scotland. Then we come home for the week of Christmas. After that, the tour continues again." I didn't even realize Christmas was that close, I can't wait.

"Sweet!" I pause while sitting at my seat across the table from Ed. "Who are the other plates for?"

"Mere! I missed you!" I hear a memorable voice yell from the front doorway just at the foot of the stairs, then the front door closing.

"Jade, Oli, oh my god I missed you two." I say jumping out of my seat and bolting to the two of them. I wrap my arms around them and take in their cold feeling sent. "Here, put your coats on the hooks." I invite. They do as suggested before Jade takes the seat next to me and Oliver opposite of her.

"Nice to see you again, Mere." Oli remarks. "Will you be attending the wedding?"

"Of course! Have you picked a date yet?" I ask putting the largest pancake I could find on my plate and getting it ready to eat.

"Yes, January 20th. I'm sure Jade has already asked you to be a bridesmaid, Ed is obviously the bet man." He says. I nod as a reply rather than answering with food in my mouth. "We're sending the invitations tomorrow, they should arrive in a weeks or so."

"Do you have all the other plans set? Like the place, your dress, food, décor?" It's easy to tell how much I love weddings. Especially when they're with one of my best friends and my boyfriend's best friend.

"Well, I was wondering if you wanted to go dress shopping with me tomorrow after the invitations are sent?" Jade asks just as I finish off my pancake. I nod extremely fast, I'm positive she would look amazing in any dress. "I was thinking semi-traditional lace gown."

"Of course!" I yell forgetting the fact we're in a very echo-y apartment with neighbors that probably think we're the most annoying people ever. "Oh, I'm so exited. You too are just amazing together. You're going to name one of your kids Meredith, right?" I ask making the room fill with laughter.

"Okay, well Oli and I have a meeting with our planner, so we should get going. Love the two of you, see you tomorrow." Jade says clearing her laughter and standing from the seat. I stand right after her and give her a hug before proceeding to Oliver.

"Love you guys too, see you then." I smile handing their coats to them and opening the door.

Soon after the two of them leave, Ed and I are back to our other conversation. "What should we do today?" He asks me yet again, unfortunately, I have no idea. I've never really been good at making fun plans.

"Well we cou-" Before I could finish my suggestion of going on a tour around London, a loud crash sounds from outside making me jump so high I almost fall from my seat. Before I could ask what had happened, the power to our whole house goes out leaving us in the dark. The sun from outside doesn't help much either due to the fact that it's cold, cloudy, and rainy outside which leaves Ed and I with only the sound of rain.

"I think that could have been a transformer blowing." He says quietly standing to look out the window. I'm terrified of the dark, Ed knows that. We still have a nightlight in our bedroom because of my huge fear.

"What are we going to do? It's going to get cold in here fast." I ask running to stand next to him and grabbing his bicep for comfort. We walk into the living room as he sighs.

"Let's make a fort!" He smiles walking to the living room closet and pulling out all the blankets he can. I nod in agreement before helping him set them up. We use thin pink, purple, and red blankets as out roof. The window holds one corner up as the creases of the couch hold another. We use a two green blankets as the walls and a multicolored fluffy comforter as the final base before filling it completely with pillows and candles.

Grabbing three flashlights from on top of the fridge, I bring them back to the fort. We're using the candles because they're prettier and the flashlights in case of an emergency.

"What do we do now?" I ask while I take a seat, crossing my legs, next to Ed. This is the kind of feeling I missed the most. Pointless, fun, warm times with him where we do nothing productive.

"I don't know, all I know is that I'm here with you and that's all that matters to me."


Sorry for no update in a LONG time!!!! Someone in my family passed away so I had to go up to Canada for the wake and funeral.

I love you all so much. -Hadley xx

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