Chapter 16.

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+Meredith's POV+

"Does this mean your my girlfriend again?" He asks with caution although I know he's happy.

"If you want me to be your girlfriend again, then yes." I reply crossing my legs. I really want him to say yes because I just can't go on without him again.

"Then I guess we're together again." He says grabbing a hold of one of my hands and kissing it gently. "I love you, Meredith."

"I love you too, Teddy." 

"Are you willing to come home to England with me again? Back how we used to be, before the leaves change?" He asks, hope clear in the color of his eyes.

"Yes, but I'll have to set everything up again. I love my current job, but I need a different job in London. I can't keep switching." I say standing up and hugging him close as we look out over the amazing city lights. Even though I love this city, it's not the same as London. London seems like home now, British accents are soothing to me, and it's just right.

I've heard people talk about fate before, I never believed it. But now that I think about it, I do. Ed, London, Jade, dance; that's my fate.  Nothing is more powerful than fate.

-Next Day-

Waking up in his arms is the feeling I clearly misses more than anything. It's the ideal feeling, especially when the suns so bright through the window and it's easy to see the rain falling while hearing it against the window. I love the rain, my favorite is when it's raining and sunny at the same time. Just like right now. It's like the universe is giving me a sign.

I feel bad for two main reasons right now; I'm breaking my promise to myself, and I'm being kind of rude to Jack. But honestly, nothing in the world could change my mind about wanting to be with Ed like this every morning again.

Closing my eyes again and resting my head back on his chest, I hear him slightly groan and shift a little. "You awake?" I hear him ask quietly in a rasp voice.

"Yeah." I whisper back, although both of us are awake. No need to whisper when there's no one to wake.

"Do you want to go down to breakfast? I love hotel breakfast." He asks hugging my closer to him, suppressing a yawn.

"Of course." I squeal sitting up and rubbing my eyes. I need some waffles with strawberries in my stomach right now. I fling my legs over the side of the bed and look out the large window at the spectacular view once again. I wish there were a balcony in this room, I want to feel the morning breeze that reminds me of London; my home.

Funny how you can spend such a short time in a place, but become so attached to it.

Before I can even process what I'm doing, I throw the nearest sweatshirt on, which happens to be one of Ed's, and a pair of slippers. I throw my long messy hair into a bun and look to Ed. "That's all you're wearing?"

"Yeah." I say, unfazed by my pajama outfit with yoga shorts. He nods, still a little confused before getting out of bed and pulling some jeans on and running his fingers through his hair slightly. "Ready?"

"Yes, should we wear disguises? We'll most likely be mobbed and it's clear that I'm not in the mood for that on such a perfect morning." He compliments kissing my on the forehead shortly after wrapping his tattoo covered arms around me. I hug him back and look at his arms, then back to his face.

"I wonder, if you didn't have tattoos, would you have a bunch of ginger freckles covering your arms?" I ask randomly. I guess I've never thought of it until now.

"Oh lord. Let's go to breakfast." He says trying hard not to laugh. It wasn't hard to find where the food was, I just followed the scent. I always feel like I eat too much, but them I remember, food tastes good so who cares what people think about it.

After getting our food and sitting down, I see many people looking at us. Some admiring, and some confused. It only takes moments before a large swarm of paparazzi's are at the hotel trying to get to us. Gladly, the hotel manager let us bring the rest of our food up to Ed's room to get away from all the people. "So when do you think we can go back to London?" I ask curiously. Of course, I need to quit my job now, can't keep changing which academy I work in.

"Whenever you want, Love." He says, yet again making my stomach flutter; just like old times. I quickly cover if up by stuffing more food in my mouth.

"How about next week. I can get my things from Jack's house, say bye to everyone, and hopefully patch things up with Jack." I say making Ed uneasy. "It's okay, you can come to all of that. You can meet my friend James too, he's really cool."

"Sounds nice. Glad we can finally go home. I can't wait for you to come to one of my concerts, I have a huge set-up planned for it. I'm singing a whole different set list." He replies. That fire in his eyes returns, like he's imagining being out on stage. I love how passionate he gets, it shows me he cares about his job.

"I can't wait either. I've only been to about five to ten concerts. More than one of them was Justin Bieber back when I was younger." I laugh a little finishing off the rest of the food I had on my plate. Ed finished only a minute ago, so he takes both our plates and places them on the little desk in the corner to get them out of the way.

"Well, he's a good mate. I've met him once or twice."

"I know, I've seen the pictures." I say sipping on my water to wash down my food.

"Wait and see what I have planned for the concert." He says a little softer, as if to himself. It honestly makes me wonder what he has in store for it; or are the surprises for me? I'm not even sure, but either way, I just want to be back in bed in our home.


Follow my tumber. It's aesthetic-lane  you can ask me anything you want like advice, about my book, about my characters, or about me personally. Get to know me.

Love you all.  -Hadley<3

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