Chapter 3.

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+Meredith's POV+

"Hey, Jade. I just landed in California. Just wanted to call to tell you that I landed safely." I say into my phone on Jades messages. Directly after ending the call ended, James sends a smirk to me.

"Is that your friend?"

"Yeah, she helped me get out a bit." I reply as we role our bags through the airport in search of the front of the airport. I quickly dial in Jacks number and hold it up to my ear.

"Hey, baby cakes. What's up?" Jacks voice rings through the phone cheerfully.

"Hey Jackie-poo, I'm at the San Fran airport, can you pick me up?" I ask popping the 'p' of up. Just hearing his voice can cheer me up. I'm glad that I'm home so Jack and I can have our sleepovers and watch late night movies.

"What?! You're back home and didn't tell me?!" He yells into the phone loud enough for James to hear and for I to move my phone away from my ear. James' eyebrows clearly raise and his smile only grows. We're currently sitting on a bench as he waits for a taxi and I wait for Jack to come for me.

"Yes, it was last minute. Something happened between Ed and I-" I say before momentarily getting cut off.

"What? I new he wasn't good for you. No boy is good enough for you Meredith, you should just become a cat lady, I don't approve of all the boys out there." He rushes out. I can imagine him pacing back and forth in his living room right now like an idiot over my drama.

"So can you come get me?"

"Already on my way." He says determined. "See you soon, baby cakes."

"Bye, Jackie-poo." I giggle before the line goes dead. I look over to James, only to see his face in clear astonishment.


"Yeah, one of his many nicknames." I laugh along. "We're really close."

"I could tell your close by that little rant he just had about your boyfriend." He says completely seriously, but with that devilish smirk never leaving his face. It makes him look so accomplished. He was dressed casually, but in a smart way. He looks like a successful billionaire that doesn't feel like dressing up everyday, but still looks nice. Maybe it's his posh British accent.

"Ex-boyfriend." I correct.

"Right. My bad." He chuckles. "I'll call a cab after your friend picks you up so you don't have to wait alone." He says like a true gentleman would. I could take the British stereotype of fancy, smart, good-looking, and secretly an undercover agent and it would describe James perfectly.

"Are you a secret agent?" I ask accidently letting it slip out of my mouth without even processing what he just said. He tilts his head and sends me a weird look.

"How did you know?"

"You seem like one. I guess I have a sense for spies." I reply crossing my legs and acting as if I actually did.

"My cover is blown." He jokes. "You know, Meredith. You're pretty fascinating."

Accepting his compliment, I smile just as Ed's name crosses my phone screen again. I have a mental war for weather I should answer it or not, deciding on yes. "Hello?" I try to say confidently, but accidently choke.

"Meredith? Oh god, are you okay? I'm so sorry. Where are you?" He asks quickly. Hos dare he ask if I'm okay. I was doing okay before he called, now I can feel the tears building up in my eyes again and my throat swelling to the point where I can barely speak. My eyes sting as I try holding in the tears, but it's too late. James has already noticed.

"How could you do this to me?" Is all I can say even though I was going to ask what he wanted.

"I don't know, Mere. I was drunk, Jasmine means nothing to me. I love you. I love you so much it hurts. I didn't even cry about my mom getting cancer, I cried about you. I haven't cried in years. I need you in my life." He rushes out.

"Well that's too bad for you, Ed." I spit. "I've already had two other boys cheat on me in my life, although I wasn't nearly as in love with them as I am with you, I took this time better just because of all the practice I've gotten before."

"I'm so sorry. Please forgive me." He begs making a tear finally fall from my eye. I have nothing to say. I can't think, all I know is that I'm sad, angry, and a panic attack is coming.

"Meredith, just hang up." James speaks comfortably rubbing my arm for support,

"Who was that? That didn't sound like Jack." Ed says clearly annoyed.

"Bye, Ed." I say before hanging up. Not long after, Jack pulls up right next to us interrupting James from telling me that everything will be fine. He didn't know what Ed did to make me break up with him until that phone call, and Jack still doesn't know.

"Who's this?" James asks.

"This is my best friend; Jack. Jack, meet James." I introduce whipping under my eyes to keep from smudging my mascara. "James helped me with my attacks on the plane ride here."

"Nice to meet you, mate." James says sticking his hand out. Jack shakes it gladly. I can already tell he likes him more than he liked Ed, but he still doesn't like James enough. Although James is great, I still love Ed and can't replace him that fast. It could take weeks, months even.

"You too." Jack replies. "We have to get going, Mere. I have my little sister and brother coming over for diner." He says grabbing my hand.

"Okay, I guess this is goodbye then." I speak to James.

"Wait, can I have your number?" He asks with his famous side smirk, that one that can make girls (and probably guys) drop dead. Nodding my head, we exchange numbers before giving a friendly hug and hopping into Jacks car.

"Do you like James?"

"He's okay." Jack replies. "But don't date him. You have a fetish for British boys now."


Who else's summer is extremely boring? Mine is. I watched a whole season of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt in one day...

Answer: Ed played 312 gigs in 2009.

<<Ed Trivia>>

Question: Who produced Ed Sheeran's music video for Thinking Out Loud?

-Amy Wadge

-Carol Junes

-Jake Gosling


Love you all.   -Hadleyxx

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