Chapter 2 - Scooby Doo, Pancakes & Arcades

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As we make our way to Noah's hotel I can't help but notice that it's just around the corner from the hotel that I'm staying in with Cassidy. I'm probably clinging to his hand a little too tightly but slowly my anxiety is creeping in due to being in a hotel that I've never been to with someone I met about two hours ago.

We walk past the lobby and step into the lift, immediately as the doors close Noah pulls me into him and almost instantly the creeping in anxiety is gone. He wraps his arms around me and I realise how much of a height difference there is between us.

"Are you alright? We can go back to the bar if you'd like." He whispers as he places his chin on the top of my head. I shake my head, I feel calm as soon as he talks to me. Either I'm very gullible or I'm pretty good at reading people. "We can just hang out, I want to get to know you Margo." As he says my name my stomach flips. The lift doors open and we make our way to the end of the corridor to what I assume is his room, he unlocks the door and I cautiously step inside. He puts the latch on the door but looks at me with a gentle smile almost to ask if it's okay. I nod and undo my boots and take off my jacket as Noah makes his way towards the bed and gets himself comfortable one hand resting behind his head, the other spread across the pillow suggesting that I should be there. I cuddle into him as he turns on the T.V and can't help but giggle when the current movie playing is Scooby Doo.

"I love Scooby Doo." I say making Noah laugh I place my head on his chest to get myself more comfortable, it feels surprisingly natural.

"What else do you love?" He asks me.

"So many things. My friends, that's an obvious one though isn't it. My grandparents and my siblings, I love autumn, the colour dark green, reading, writing, peonies, music, movies, anime we'll be here for hours if I have to list everything I love. What do you love?"

"Music." He answers with no hesitation. "My friends, writing, movies, anime too, just generally being creative." He kisses the top of my head and I look up to him. "Is this weird?" Noah asks me and I shake my head in confusion.

"Is what weird?" Pushing myself up to look at him putting a little distance between us.

"I just want to be around you, there's this instant click, connection. I don't know, I don't think that I've experienced that before." I can't help but smile.

"I thought the same, it's like I'm instantly calm around you and there's this pull towards you... talk about getting into emotions, I just met you. Sorry."

"No, that's exactly it. Plus you moving to LA, it's like it was supposed to happen. Can I have your phone?" Noah asks, I unlock it and hand it to him. I notice that he's gone to my contacts and added his number and put his contact name down as Magnetic Noah. I laugh as he hands my phone back to me. "Well let's not lie to ourselves. Clearly there's something there between us." Noah states as I lay back down next to him.

"I know, I bet you hate sushi or something and honestly that's a deal breaker." I half joke.

"Nope, not a sushi hater." He tells me and threads his fingers through mine. "Do you have an official move date?"

"No, not yet. It's supposed to be by the start of next month. I'm currently still trying to find accommodation though in LA and not being local is making it really difficult as I'm not too sure where is good value for money and safe. I still have loads to pack up but I have some time, i already have my visa so I really hope I don't need to push it back a month. Maybe I'm naive but I thought I'd have a rental by now."

"So start of February you'll be in LA?" Noah confirms and I nod. "I can help you with what areas are good and what areas are kind of shit, if you don't find anything you can stay with me... until you find something if you like." He continues and I'm stunned at his kindness.

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