Chapter 28 - "She's Smart As Hell Too, Which Is Fucking Hot"

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"Where do you guys wanna go first?" Noah asks as he parks up the car.

Sadie has been desperate to go shopping and since I haven't even checked out the shops here yet I thought it would be fun to turn it into a girls day out, which has evidently turned into Noah having to drive us there and tagging along bringing Nick with him.

"I don't know, let's just have a wander." Sadie replies undoing her seatbelt. She's so much more relaxed the longer she's been here.

No one knows what's going on with her and Nick and no one wants to ask the questions, although it doesn't seem to be slowing down.

I take Noah's hand in mine as we make our way out the car park towards the shopping mall.

"Do you know what you're going to buy?" Noah asks his voice echos through the car park.

"Honestly no idea. There's nothing I particularly need or want but we'll see." We walk into the mall and immediately Sadie makes her way to Barnes & Noble.

I start scanning the shelves for something that takes my fancy picking up different books reading the synopsis of each one I pull out from the shelves. I see Sadie and Nick sneaking around the corner of where I'm standing with a book in hand.

"Hey dude, I think your girlfriend's famous." Nick puts the book in Noah's hand and I try to snatch it from him.

"Please put that back." I sigh, the whole time I've known Noah I've always said that I don't want him reading what I publish.

"Is it dirty?" Nick wriggles his brows at me making me laugh as Noah takes in the book cover, flipping it over.

"Maybe, put it back. Please." I plead, silently begging Noah with my eyes to not read anymore than he already has.

"Nu-uh, I'm buying it." Nick smirks as Sadie shakes her head next to him.

"I tried to get him to put it back. I told him you don't like your friends reading your work." Sadie sounds defeated as Nick takes the book out of Noah's hand.

"Can I really not read your stuff?" Noah asks as I put another book back on the shelf.

"Nope." I pop the "p" and he shrugs at my reply.

"Why not?" He seems genuinely curious.

"I don't actually know. I would be worried you would think it was shit, I guess. I wouldn't want you thinking I sucked at my job. Your opinion means too much." I explain and Noah kisses my forehead.

"I know that if it's something you've worked on it will be amazing but I respect that you wouldn't want me to read it. Can't say that for Nick though." I turn around to find Nick at the till purchasing my book and I groan. I walk over to him and Sadie, Noah following closely behind me.

"Here she is, the writer of this work of art." Nick says taking the bag from the girl serving him.

"You know I have a copy I can give you, if you really wanted to read it you could have just asked me." I hiss at Nick as I try to usher him away from the till quickly.

"Did you really write that?" The girl calls after us stopping me in my tracks. I turn to Nick and huff at him for putting me in this situation.

"Yeah..." I smile politely at her.

"I love that book, could you maybe sign a copy for me?" She asks shyly and I look at Noah for support. He's smiling so proudly at me, so are Sadie and Nick but I'm only looking at him.

"Sure." She runs from the till and pulls a copy of my book off of the shelf, handing me a black marker and the book when she gets back to me. "Who's it for." I smile at her.

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