Chapter 4 - Ambitious

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My head against Noah's bare chest his arm wrapped around me his fingers tracing the tattoo on my back. Clothes are littered around the room and neither one of us daring to move from the way we are, wanting to preserve whatever this moment is.

"Cassidy could be back at anytime..." I whisper and Noah sighs.

"I don't think thats going to happen." Noah tells me.

"How come?" I ask turning over to face him.

"I think they're having some little fling while we're here."

"Oh...right..." a million thoughts race through my head. "Us too?" I ask uncertain.

"No, not us. Is that what you want?" Noah asks me and I shake my head.

"No, I don't really do one night stands or anything like that. Nothing wrong with it but just not for me. Does Cassidy know it's a fling thing?" I ask Noah and he shrugs.

It's not any of my business what Cassidy does, like it isn't any of her business what I do but I know that if it's just a fling she'll be upset.

"Why didn't you tell me Noah?" I ask, I've been putting it off for too long and I need to get it off of my chest.

"I don't know, I really enjoy being around you. You don't see me as "Noah Sebastian Singer from Bad Omens". You just see me as Noah. We just instantly clicked and I didn't want to ruin it. I should have told you. I know that but the longer I left it the harder it got to say. I asked Cassidy not to tell you. I wanted to tell you myself. There's no excuse but I am sorry. Really." I take a couple of minutes to soak in what he's just told me. "You're quiet." He states.

"I understand, really I do. I just wish you had said. I was so embarrassed finding out the way I did. My first initial thought was to leave. Cassidy explained that you probably wanted to tell me yourself so I didn't and I stayed, but I was mortified."

"Don't place blame on her. I asked her not to. I saw, you looked like you'd seen a ghost. That was never my intention, I promise."

"I know, it's okay. I get it." I reply and he kisses me gently. "Just don't keep anything else from me."

"Cross my heart." He says and makes the motion on his chest.

"What now? I leave tomorrow, you leave too." The heavy reality hits me. What it has been is probably what it will ever be. I feel a lump forming in my throat and I can't believe I'm already so emotional about something that barely even started. Noah's watching quizzically and pulls me into him tightly.

"Come with me." He says matter of factly, I just stare at him stunned.

"Noah... if I could I would." I tell him and he looks deflated.

"Why, what's stopping you?"

"You're gonna laugh at me, I literally have nothing. All my clothes are at home and I need to check in on my family."

"Okay, so we go in the morning. You said you're only a few hours from Glasgow right? Then we can head down to New Castle. Our next Concert isn't until Tuesday evening so we have a full day tomorrow off."

"Noah you're not spending your one day off with me heading up the road to just come back down again."

"It's my day off and I'll spend it how I like, and I want to spend it with you so please just let me." He pushes his bottom lip out.

"Fine. I'll call Cassidy to tell her I'm going to get an earlier train." I tell Noah and he smiles as I get out of bed.

"Damn nice ass!" He enthusiastically says as I walk over to where my phone has been abandoned and I can't help but laugh.

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