Chapter 22 - I Can't Lose Her

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"Sushi!" I squeal as Noah walks us into the restaurant. "You're literally the best." Noah laughs pulling me into him by my waist.

"I thought you'd appreciate coming here." He tells me with a smile.

Noah gives our reservation name and we're taken over to a booth in the corner of the restaurant.

"Have you been here before?" I ask as I take in our surroundings.

The walls are a royal blue with gold etched dragons creeping all over them. There's origami birds hanging from the ceiling along with Chinese lanterns.

"Yeah, I've come here a few times with the boys." Noah tells me.

"It's really cool. I like it." I say as I look at the menu. "Do you wanna share stuff or what you thinking?" I ask Noah and he smiles.

"Let's share." Noah replies opening up his menu.

We place our order and it comes out surprisingly quickly. Noah picks up with chopsticks with ease while I struggle to get them to sit right making him laugh.

"You're always so funny with your chopsticks." Noah tells me as I pick up a piece of sushi. I give him a glare which only makes him laugh harder.

"We can't all be gifted like you." I say as I pop a piece of sushi in my mouth. "Fuck, that might be better than sex." I moan making him almost choke on his food. "I said might." I smirk, his eyes widen.

"You're gonna regret saying that later." Noah smirks as he takes a sip of his soda.

"We'll see."


We're sitting in the boot of Noah's car, the door open a blanket wrapped around us as we look up at the sky. I have no idea where Noah's driven us out to but it feels like the perfect way to end the day.

"You're a lil' romancer." I tell Noah snuggling closer into him.

"Look at you lil' Miss America." Noah smirks and it takes me a second to realise what he's getting at.

"Slip of the tongue. I don't think I've ever said lil' before." I laugh picking up my phone and checking the time. "It's getting late baby." I tell Noah who groans.

"I know. I like it when it's just us." He replies and I can't help but nod in agreement.

As much as I'm grateful for the boys letting me stay with them I love it when I get Noah to myself.

When we're at the house there's always someone looking for someone. If it's not to do with work, it's what do you wanna do for dinner, do you wanna play a game etc. I love it because it feels like a real home. I really weird but fun family but it makes it rare to get a private moment without worrying that someone's gonna bust down your room door because they need even teams for Mario Kart.

"So do I... you need to speak to the boys though about me being there permanently." I remind Noah who groans again at my logical thinking.

"Just another hour... I promise they'll be awake when we get back. At least Jolly definitely will." Noah says and kisses the side of my head. I rest my head on his shoulder and he starts to stroke my hair. "I love you. I really fucking love you." I turn to face him.

"I really fucking love you." I kiss him gently brushing a few strands of hair out of his face. "You're so fucking handsome." I tell Noah making his cheeks turn slightly red.

"So are you." He replies making me laugh.

"Thanks." I wink as another set of car headlights drive up to where we're parked. I turn to Noah eyebrows raised.

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