Chapter 33 - Vegas Baby!

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We've finally made it to Vegas and honestly I think this is where I've been most excited to visit. Not being from the States makes Vegas seem like a whole other world. There's so many things I want to do, it makes me feel as though I'm an annoying tourist.

"Morning baby." Noah whispers into my ear wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into him.

"Morning." I grumble back. "What time is it?" Our sleep patterns been so all over the place with travelling from state to state within days of each other.

"Early..." Noah replies as he brushes my hair off of my neck and begins to kiss the spot where he brushed my hair from.

"How early?" I take his hand in my own.

"Six thirty." He whispers, I can feel the warmth of his words against my skin.

"Mmm early. Could you not sleep?" I ask gently.

"Not really."

"What's up? Bad dream?"

"Kinda yeah."

"Wanna talk about it?" I ask and I feel Noah rest his forehead against my shoulder. "It's okay if you don't want to but I'm here." I reassure him.

"Just don't go." He whispers and I turn to face him.

"I don't plan on it." I press my lips to his gently and I feel him relax into me, his hands making their way up to my hair. "I love you." I whisper against his lips as he gently brushes my hair with his fingers.

"I love you." He whispers back kissing me with more force making me moan involuntarily. I feel his smile against my lips as he gently pulls on my hair. I wrap my arms around his neck pulling him into me, Noah presses himself against me and I begin to kiss down his neck. His breathing becoming quicker as I continue to kiss further down to his chest."Mar..." Noah whispers as he rolls onto his back pulling me with him so I'm straddling him. His hands rest on my hips and he plays with the hem of my pyjama shorts as I pull my top over my head. Noah sits up and his lips crash against mine, my bare chest against his. He slips his hand down my shorts and into my panties smiling at me knowingly to the way I react to him. His fingers glide over my clit and I feel him begin harden beneath me. "Fuck Margo."

"I can't help it." I reply and he shakes his head chuckling softly.

"I fucking love it." He replies as he slides his finger inside me, a gasp escapes me making him smile even wider. His other hand in my hair, he carefully pulls my head back slightly and begins to gently kiss and bite on my neck.

"Noah..." I moan knowing he's going to accidentally leave a mark like he has done before without meaning to.

"Shh..." he slides another finger inside me and I can't stop myself from digging my nails into his back. He positions us so I'm laying on my back, him looking over me and he pulls off my shorts along with my underwear tossing them to the side with a smile.  Noah presses his hand flat to my stomach applying the smallest amount of pressure as he continues to use his fingers making me feel the need to grip the sheet as if it will give me the smallest amount for support.

"Please..." I beg wanting more.

He hooks his arms under my legs pulling me to him positioning himself, his lips press against mine leaving me even more breathless than before.

"...Noah..." I barely whisper begging for him again, more desperate this time as I feel his tip against me.

"Fuck." He mutters as he pushes himself inside me and slowly he starts to thrust, teasing.

"More." I whisper, my voice breaking through breaths. I see a smirk playing on Noah's lips and eventually he does as I say, giving me all of him, thrusting harder, faster. Noah presses his hand over my mouth gently to stop me from becoming too loud as I begin to unravel.

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