Chapter 49 - Found Our Home

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I take Noah's hand in my own as he helps me out the car, slowly closing the door behind me.

"Thank you. Fuck I'm nervous." I whisper to Noah looking at the house in front of us.

"Why baby?" Noah asks his hand now on my lower back guiding me towards the house.

"This is a big step... this could be our first home." I turn to Noah with a smile which he returns.

"Come on, let's find out." Noah says kissing my temple. He opens the door and we pretty much walk straight into an open plan living room / kitchen diner.

"Hello you must be Noah and Margo. I'm Michelle, excuse me but wow what a handsome couple y'all are." The letting agent smiles as she welcomes us into the house. "How are you guys? Excited to see the house?"

"So excited." I smile at her taking in my surroundings.

The living room is smaller than the one at home right now but that's expected since our current house is much bigger being shared between so many people.

"Cute accent! Anyways as you guys can see here we have the living room and just through there is your kitchen, the sliding doors take you right out into the back yard." She explains taking us through the lower part of the house. "I'll let you both check the upstairs out yourselves. You'll find your primary with an en suite, a small bedroom and bathroom up there aswell as an office. I'll meet y'all out front when you're ready." Michelle smiles her pearly whites and heads for the door.

"Cute accent." Noah mocks bumping his elbow against mine.

"Shut up." I roll my eyes at Noah as we make our way outside to look at the backyard. It's big enough that we could comfortably have friends over for a BBQ and set out some furniture whilst still having space.

I feel Noah's arms snaking around my waist pulling me back into him. I close my eyes feeling his breath on my neck, where he gently kisses.

"Do you think this is home?" He asks me quietly as I open my eyes looking him.

"Depends what the bedrooms like." I wink at Noah and he chuckles against my skin.

"Let's go see honey." Noah says as we head back inside. "I like that there's an island." Noah motions towards the marbled island in the middle of the kitchen.

"Why?" I ask, eyebrow raised.

"I can bend you over it." He smirks, his eyes darkening and I have to look away to stop myself from thinking about just that. "I think you're sold." Noah chuckles that low chuckle I love making me weak.

He takes my hand in his own as he drags me up the stairs checking out the bedrooms.

The primary is a little bigger than our current bedroom, so is the en suite but the office is pretty small and so is the main bathroom.

"Final room." Noah smiles as he turns the handle on the second bedroom.

It's been left the way it was for the last for the last tenants just like the rest of the house. The walls are decorated with pictures of jungle animals, a rocking chair in the corner of the room along with a bookshelf. A crib pushed up against the wall, a baby mobile above it.

Noah wraps his arm around me pulling me into his side, kissing the top of my head. I swallow hard looking at what one day might really be our reality.

"Have we found our home baby?" Noah whispers, neither of us moving, taking in the bedroom.

"I think we've found our home." I reply finally looking up to him. He's looking back at me his eyes filled with so much love, I could cry from the overwhelming feeling that is right now.

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