Chapter 23 - Welcome To The Boys Club

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"Morning, I made coffee it's in the pot. It's probably not as good as Noah's." I say to Folio as he shuffles into the kitchen.

I'm hunched over my laptop at the kitchen table, coffee to my left, half eaten toast to my right, "Mother Tongue" by Bring Me The Horizon playing quietly in the background.

"You're up early." Folio groggily replies, pouring himself a mug of coffee.

"I couldn't sleep." I say as I try to disguise a yawn.

"You wear glasses?" Folio asks taking a seat at the table across from me.

"Mhm, just for reading and writing, computer stuff. You doing much today?"

"Yeah I was gonna go fishing. How long you been up for?" Folio asks taking a sip of coffee.

"Since four? I'm not even sure." I push my glasses on top of my head and rub my eyes.

"Mar, go to bed. Try get some sleep. With all due respect you look wrecked."

"I can't sleep. I'm fine, honestly." Folio shrugs taking another sip of his coffee.

"Why can't you sleep? Bad dream?"

"Kinda. Last night spooked me. I tried to sleep. I think I managed a solid hour before I was awake again."

"Mar, you know that nothing's bad gonna happen to any of us right? Noah definitely won't let anything happen to you. You're his everything."

"I know but it's still scary. You guys are used to this stuff happening. I'm not." I take a sip of my coffee.

"I know. I promise nothing bad will happen. Anyways, how's it feel to officially live here with the best guys ever." I can't help but laugh.

"Unreal, a truly magical moment." I roll my eyes at Folio making him chuckle just as Noah joins us in the kitchen.

"Morning. Why you down here Mar? Couldn't you sleep?" Noah asks.

"Is it that obvious? Damn, I must look like shit." Noah plonks himself down on the seat next to me at the table.

"You just look tired baby." Noah says taking a sip of my coffee.

"We have cameras and stuff outside the house Mar, you don't need to be worried." Folio tries to reassure me.

"I know, I know. I'll be fine. Just isn't what you expect on a Tuesday night. Anyways, I wanna drive here so I think I'm gonna sit the test." I say making both the guys laugh.

"Is that what you've been thinking about the past two hours?" Folios laughing so hard he's almost crying.

"I had to do my research. I've done other things too. I've been very productive actually."

"What else have you done?" Noah asks.

"I've watched a couple of episodes of "It's Always Sunny", filled a basket of clothes I want on Disturbia and looked at places I want to travel to."

"Very productive." Noah agrees and Folio nods.

"Well guys I'm gonna head off. Welcome to The Boys Club Mar." Folio salutes as he leaves the kitchen.

"Wanna watch a movie?" Noah asks, as he gets up to make a fresh pot of coffee.

"I'd love to baby." I close down my laptop and clear up my mess.

"Baby, head up stairs. Leave your mug here and I'll bring you a fresh one up. Go choose a movie for us." Noah says as I bring my plate over to the sink, giving it a quick rinse leaving it on the rack to dry. I wrap my arms around Noah making him chuckle quietly. "Hey, what's up?"

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