Chapter 31 - Please Don't Join Us

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SEXUAL CONTENT! So far I've kept it kinda PG to some degree but y'all ask and I'll try my hardest to deliver.
Honestly I was skeptical about writing the graphic shiz with respect to the band etc. but this is complete fiction! Nothing about this is real lmao
I get that some people may not like this kinda stuff and I know that Noah has spoken about the band being sexualised. He stated that he nor the band ever actually said that, he did say "doesn't encourage people flashing. Not promoting being sexualised"
Please don't hate me or on the story!
Don't like it don't read it

Ly lots I'll stfu now, byeeee


My whole body is stiff, my neck has a kink in it and I'm knackered but this isn't about me it's about the boys and I'm trying to be a supportive girlfriend and friend instead of a whinging bitch.

"We finally made it." Jolly rolls his neck as we all step out into the sun.

"Finally. I'm ready for a nap." Folio stretches making us laugh.

"Dude you literally slept the whole way here." Noah replies as we make our way inside the hotel, Folio huffing in response.

I look over to Sadie and Nick who have been fairly quiet the whole way here seemingly wrapped up in each other. She smiles gently reassuring me. I haven't had the chance to get to speak to her properly about the other day but her and Nick are still in each other's pocket. She's still here and I'm glad that they figured out whatever it was they needed to figure out.

"Okay, so back down here in an hour and we'll head out to check things out?" Noah asks the group and everyone seems to nod along to the plan. "Great, see y'all in a bit." We take our things and head up to our room.

"Do you wanna do the honours?" I ask Noah with a smirk looking at him then the bed.

"I think we should do it together." He replies with a wink. "Three..."


"One." We say in unison and both throw ourselves back onto the bed laughing.

"So what's the plan?" I take Noah's hand in mine as we lay side by side.

"Have a chilled night, check things out and then tomorrow we'll be right into it." I can hear the smile on Noah's lips.

"I can't wait to see you doing your thing again. It'll be amazing."

"It's gonna be a busy summer..." He whispers. The guys have so many shows this year and I know that as we get creep closer to May the busier it's going to get. June and July are practically a write off for our relationship, I'll be in the States and Noah in Europe.

"It'll be worth it. You'll have an amazing summer." I don't like thinking about it too much. It's something that we seem to not address, like it's a given. Noah will go and I'll be waiting for him when he comes back.

"You could still come Mar." Noah reminds me as he pulls me closer towards him.

"I know but I wanted to come to the States for my work, I can't just up and follow you guys about..." I remind Noah.

"But you could find other places inspiring too. You told me yourself that you're inspired by what surrounds you. Why don't you take the places we go into consideration too? You never know you might even find new ideas for new books?"

"We'll see..." I reply kissing the top of his head.

"I'm sure I could persuade you Mar." Noah whispers against my skin.

"Mhmm. I'm sure you could." I whisper back and he leaves a trial of kisses along my collar. "Noah." I tilt my head back exposing my neck to him. My body feels tired, I ache but I can't help react to his touch.

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