Chapter 44 - Just Us

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My eyes are fucking heavy, the room way too bright to be my bedroom.

"Mar?..." I hear Noah whispering my name.

"Mmm..." I grumble back, my throat feels dry as fuck.

"Mar, hey baby. You're okay. We're in hospital you hit your head pretty bad... I'm gonna get a nurse, Mar, stay awake, please." Noah tells me over the light beeping of a monitor. I nod my head in response, it hurts so bad. My arm hurts like fuck too. I scrunch my face at the pain.

He gets up from the chair beside my bed and practically runs out the room returning a couple of minutes later with a nurse.

"Hey Margo, I'm Alice your nurse for today. I'm glad you're awake again. How are you feeling?" She asks kindly.

"Like shit." I reply my voice hoarse. I hear Noah laugh from behind her. It doesn't sound like his usual beautiful laugh instead it sounds choked, wavering. Like he's hurt. I lean forwards to look at him, to check he's okay but Alice gently pushes me back.

"Hey, I need you to relax Margo. You've had some stitches in the back of your head and your on some pretty strong medication. Right now you won't feel the worse of it I'm afraid." The nurse says and I feel my eyes filling with tears. "Do you know what happened Margo?" She asks me gently the tears rolling down my cheeks.

"I was on a hike with my friend, something hard hit my back and then I fell. I remember rolling down the hill and then I think something sharp hit my head. That's it." I explain as Noah comes to my side. I can finally see him properly and I won't lie he looks a wreck. His eyes puffy and bloodshot, his lips dry, his hair a mess.

"It seems like you were pushed. An excited fan of your boyfriend accidentally pushed you whilst trying to get a photo..." The nurse sympathetically looks at Noah who has clearly been beating himself up about this. "You fell down the hill and hit your head giving yourself a concussion, we had to give you some stitches as you came into us with a pretty nasty wound there too. Don't worry it'll heal up nicely and the stitches will dissolve. Along with your stitches and concussion I'm afraid you've broken your left arm along with a couple of ribs and a badly sprained ankle. You've been through a bit of a war Margo with your fall collecting a lot of bruising aswell. We'll keep you in overnight for an observation since you're now awake and alert, hopefully you can head home tomorrow lunch time." She smiles at me. "You've got a good boyfriend who will look after you when you get home, I'm sure of that." She nods. "If you need anything give me a buzz." She smiles and leaves the room.

"Mar..." Noah says sitting on the bed next to me wrapping his arms around me. I let the tears flow. I hurt so bad and that's with medication. "Shhh... you're going to be okay, I'll look after you... I'm so fucking sorry I couldn't keep you safe." I hear his voice crack at his last sentence. I look up to him through my own tears I see that he's wiping away his, making me sob even harder that he's hurting too.

I finally manage to compose myself after crying onto Noah's hoodie.

"Did they shave my head?" I ask Noah terrified of the answer. He stays quiet for a beat too long. "Oh my god." I reach for my hair forgetting my arms in a cast. "Fucksake." I curse at the pain.

"They only shaved the back where they had to do the stitches baby." Noah tries to comfort me as I start to touch my head with my right hand feeling for roughly where the cut is and how much hair they've had to shave. "Baby, don't touch. You don't want it to get infected." I start to sob again at the reality of what's happened. Noah holds me to his chest letting me cry once again.

"I hurt." I mumble into his hoodie.

"I know... I'm so sorry Margo."

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