Chapter 14 - Beer Pong, Vampires & Tour Guides

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I can hear it livening up downstairs as I'm sitting on Noah's bed trying to mentally prepare myself to get ready.

"Are you okay? We can just stay up here if you want?" Noah asks and deep down that's what I want to do but I can't. The boys planned this party so I'm sure as hell going to show face.

"Honestly Noah, that's exactly what I want to do but we can't. Maybe we can sneak away early but we'll need to show face."

"You're drained though baby. You've been awake for almost twenty four hours, it's okay if you want to just rest." Noah tells me as I pull my make up out of my suitcase.

"It's okay Noah." I say as I make my way to the bathroom. I wipe the condensation off of the mirror and start to apply my make up. I can hear Noah grunt from the bedroom and I peak my head through the door to check he's okay.

"In three hours you'll be awake for over twenty four hours. Please can we sneak away after two?" Noah asks like he's trying to make a deal with me.

"Okay, two hours." I agree and Noah looks proud of himself.

"I just don't want you burning yourself out."

"I know my love, you're just looking out for me."

"My love? I like that a lot. I'll be a second." Noah says and leaves the room letting me get back to getting myself ready.

By the time I'm ready Noah still hasn't come back and I'm nervous to leave the room when the house is full of unfamiliar faces. I open my phone quickly and message my grandma that I've gotten to Noah's safely, then I message Noah to ask him where he is. As soon as I press send the bedroom door opens and in walks Noah. "Sorry, it's busy I got forced into a game of beer pong. Fuck, you look stunning." He tells me and I smile as he hands me a drink.

"Thank you. What's this?"

"Just coke." He tells me and I take a sip. "Do you like parties?" Noah asks and I feel bad for saying no so I just shrug. "Oh... you don't do you?" He continues and looks embarrassed.

"I'm just more of a small gathering, quiet night in with friends or small group of friends go out for a few drinks kinda vibe. I can't say I've been to many parties but I always seem to be the first person to go home."

"Oh fuck. Me too to be honest, but it kinda grew arms and legs once I mentioned to the boys that I wanted to do something when you got here." Noah explains and I can't help but smile.

"Well I still think it's really sweet of you to plan this. I do appreciate it Noah." I reply and kiss him gently.

"Let's get this over with." Noah laughs as he takes my hand and we leave his room.

I'm overwhelmed with the amount of people filling the house and I hold Noah's hand a little tighter.

"It's okay, you're okay, you've got me." He whispers as we make our way towards the kitchen.

"I've never seen beer pong before." I tell him as we pass the group of people playing.

"No way." Noah asks and I nod.

"Yeah, it's a super American thing." I tell him and he laughs as Nick makes his way over to us, way more drunk than the night that we played never have I ever.

"You okay Mar?" Nick asks me and nod. "You look like a deer in headlights."

"Well I kinda am. You guys know a lot of people." I say and Nick looks around then shrugs.

"Yeah, I guess so. A lot of people came. Are you drinking tonight?" He asks and I shake my head. "Aw come on Mar just have one shot with me."

"Maybe another time." I smile at Nick and he laughs.

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