Chapter 9 - No PDA In The Pool

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I have three days left with Noah before I head home and the guys have to go to their next tour destination.

"Two more shows and then your U.K and Ireland tour is finished." I say over breakfast.

"Yeah, are you sure that you can't at least come to Dublin with us?" Noah asks and I shake my head.

"I really wish I could but I need to go home and start to pack my stuff up for the move. Cassidy still hasn't messaged me back which isn't like her at all. I might have to go to her house and talk to her. Plus I wanna try to spend as much time as I can with the kids before I leave." I reply as Noah finishes up his coffee. 

"What do you wanna do today? This place has a pool and a gym we could use?"

"I'll use the gym with you but probably not the pool, yanno baths, swimming pools, the sea I can't do it, I panic. You go and have fun though."

"Oh fuck, sorry. I didn't even think. Do you know how to swim?" Noah asks.

"No it's okay, no I've never been taught how to. My grandparents tried to put me into swimming lessons when I was younger but I just had a mental block seeing all that water. I'd get so overwhelmed before I even tried to get into the pool."

"Would you like to try? I wouldn't let anything bad happen to you ever. You'd be safe and if you wanted to get out we can obviously leave."

"I don't even have a swimsuit Noah. I don't know, let's just go to the gym and we'll take it from there."


"Hey Noah, sorry about last night. I think I got a little more drunk than I anticipated. I didn't mean to piss you off." I over hear Nick say to Noah. I'm on the treadmill while Noah's over at the weights.

"Hey it's alright dude, just let me tell her that myself next time." Noah says with a laugh and goes back to what he's doing Nick joining him.

I can't help but overhear part of their conversation talking about the tour and what their plan is for when they get home. I know I shouldn't be eavesdropping but it's hard to tune out when your name keeps on cropping up.

I make my way over to Noah and Nick after about half an hour on the treadmill.

"Hey, I'm gonna head back up to the room and grab a shower. I have some emails to do and I need to try get through to Cass, just one last shit attempt. Enjoy your swim guys." I say and quickly peck Noah on the lips. He wraps his arm around my waist and holds me to him.

"Are you sure you don't want to try?"

"I already said I don't even have a swimsuit."

"I think that there's a store down at the pool." Noah says and I can't help but feel like this is his way of really trying to help me.

"Okay, I'll try but if it's too much I'll just go back up to the room."



Noah's already in the pool waiting for me in the shallow end by the time I'm ready. I notice that Jolly, Nick and Folio are also in the pool but down and the deeper end. Noah gets out and takes my hand in his, he's clearly already done a couple of lengths of the pool.

"Babe, I'm scared." I say as we sit at the pool edge.

"It's okay to be scared but I'm here. I've got you nothing bad will happen." He tells me and slides himself into the water. I'm still perched on the edge of the pool, Noah standing and facing me. "I've got you." He tells me and wraps his arms around my waist. I can feel my heart pounding as I wrap my arms around his neck and close my eyes.

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