Chapter 15 - Lets See Infinity Together

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"I just think this place is cool. I don't know, I think you'd like it." Noah tells me as we walk down the street. It's so different to back home I keep having to remind myself that I officially live here now and I'm not a tourist. "We're here." Noah says as we approach a building that looks like it's wrapped in bubble wrap.

"Is this The Broad?" I ask Noah as he takes my hand and we make our way inside.

"Yep." He tells me popping the p. I kiss him on the cheek and we take ourselves to look around. We have about an hour before they close. "I got us tickets for something, c'mon." Noah says taking the lead.

We make it up to the floor with the Infinity Mirror Room.

"No way." I turn to Noah, I know I have the biggest grin on my face and he laughs.

"Yes way. Let's go see infinity together." I can't help but laugh and Noah shows our tickets so we have the infinity room to ourselves.

A million tiny lights in the mirrored room make it feel like it goes on forever. I'm in awe of it all and I can't help but think how sweet it was for him to bring me here.

"I love you." I whisper and Noah kisses the side of my head.

"I love you." He whispers back. "Wanna take some photos?" Noah continues and I nod. We take a couple of pictures on both of our phones Noah having to slightly bend his knees so he doesn't look like a complete giant next to me.

"Professional poser." I joke after Noah takes a couple more photos. One of him with his arms around me, the other him kissing me on the cheek.

"Damn straight." He tells me laughing.

"I wonder what it's really like..." I say not quite loud enough.

"Me too..." Noah whispers back.

"I've always had a fear of dying. When I was young I'd always get this overwhelming fear of death. I think it's the unknown that scares me. If it's like this though it won't be so bad." Noah nods in the mirror and gently weaves his fingers through mine. He brings my hand up to his lips and gently kisses it.

"I agree." He tells me simply and we make our way out of the room to explore more of the museum. "I had a feeling you'd like it here."

"Do I give art vibe." I joke making Noah chuckle.

"Kinda yeah, but I just thought you would think this place is really cool." We look around some more and decide to leave just before closing.

"I should start looking at more places to rent, now I'm finally here I can view them in person." I think out loud as we make our way back to Noah's car, he stays quiet. "Where you stay is nice but I definitely couldn't afford something as big as your place. I think I'm probably looking at one bed apartments." I continue.

"You can stay with us as long as you need to baby. Don't just pick something because you think you need to move out. Take your time." He tells me as he unlocks his car and we both get inside.

"I know but that isn't fair on the rest of the guys." I fiddle with the aux and scroll through my music until I settle on "In Bloom" by Neck Deep. As Noah's pulling out of the parking spot my phone starts ringing, Cassidys name lights up my screen. "The fuck." I mumble and quickly glance at Noah.

"Answer it if you want to baby." I shake my head and let it go to voice mail. "You not ready to talk to her yet?"

"She's had almost a month to talk to me. I tried to see her before I left and she shut me out. I'll call her back later tonight but if she's desperate to talk she'll call again." The song changes to Nirvana "Come As You Are" but gets cut off shortly with another call from Cassidy. "Ugh... fucksake, sorry I'll make it quick." I apologise as I swipe to answer the call, Cassidys voice echos through the speakers.

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