Chapter 38 - You Guys Should Be In A Band

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"Your house is lovely, thanks for letting us all crash here." Folio smiles at my grandma as we all sit around the kitchen table waiting on dinner.

"Thank you, that's very kind of you to say. If you boys keep those kids entertained as well as you have done today you are welcome to stay here as many times as you want." My grandma says placing a bowl of mash potato in the centre of the table. I have to give it to her, she's great at keeping up appearances but I can tell that mums death is hurting her. "Come on, help yourselves." My grandma instructs as she heads back into the kitchen.

"Can you help Isla and Rose. I'll be a minute." I whisper into Noah's ear and excuse myself from the table following my grandma to the kitchen. I find her leaning against the wooden kitchen counter, my grandad next to her arm around her shoulders. "Go sit down, I'll finish everything in here. If it's too much we can go stay in town." I tell them trying to be helpful.

"Och, don't be silly love. I'm glad you're here, I'm glad you're all here it gives me a distraction." She chuckles as I grab a bowl that's full of mixed vegetables. "Plus it is quite nice to see you. Go sit down, get your dinner. It's almost done." She instructs.

"Okay, well if it's too much let me know." I say turning and taking the veg into the dining room.

"Everything okay?" Noah asks as I sit back down next to him and Isla.

"I guess..." I reply spooning some veg onto Isla's plate.

"I don't like sweetcorn." Isla tells me with her sassy attitude to which I roll my eyes.

"Pick it out then." I bluntly reply getting a huff from Isla.

"Granny's being weird. Why? Is that why you're here? Is Granny sick?" Isla asks. Kids are always so intuitive I sometimes forget how aware of their surroundings they are.

"No Isla Granny isn't sick." I reply avoiding her other questions.

"How come you came back so soon then? It's not even summer holidays yet." Isla asks completely oblivious to the reality of the situation.

"I just missed you that much." I poke my tongue out at her as my grandparents come into the dining room with the rest of dinner placing it down on the table. I help myself and finally the guys follow suit adding things to their own plates.

"Noah you can't feed Freddie." Isla scolds Noah as he feeds the dog the smallest amount of pulled pork.

"Sorry..." He mumbles, his cheeks reddening.

"Just don't do it again." Isla continues to tell him off making me laugh.

"Yes boss." He jokes.

"Never thought I'd see the day Noah would get told off by a five year old." Folio laughs digging into his dinner.

"Me either." Nick laughs.

"I'm watching you boys aswell." Isla stares the boys down from the opposite side of the table.

"Okay lil lady." Folio replies making Isla giggle.

"Silly American boys."


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