Chapter 25 - I Spy

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"Look at you doing good deeds." Folio tells me as he comes into the kitchen.

"Huh?" I ask as I look up from my book.

"You got some girl frozen yogurt?" Folio reminds me of yesterday afternoon.

"Oh yeah, Noah tell you?" I ask as I place my book down on the table not before folding down the top of the page I was on.

"Nope, I saw on twitter." He tells me as he pours himself a mug of coffee.

"Ah, I see... you're up early."

"As are you." He challenges me smirking.

"Bad night?"

"Good night." He winks filling another mug with coffee.

"Dirty boy." I laugh as he makes his way to the fridge to grab milk.

"How come your up early, again. Still not able to sleep properly?"

"Not really, I'll be fine though. Did Noah tell you my friends coming out here?"

"Nah, which one?" He asks topping up the mugs of coffee with some milk.

"Sadie." I reply as a grin spreads on Folios face. "Why you smiling like that?"

"No reason." He puts the milk back in the fridge and grabs both mugs. "Wait until Nick finds out." He smirks.

"Folio, spill."

"I ain't selling my boy out. Take it up with Nicholas." Folio smirks again as he leaves the room.

I march up the stairs after him going straight to my room.

"Hey, where you been?" Noah asks sleepily as I sit back on the bed.

"Morning, downstairs. I couldn't sleep. what's the deal with Nick and Sadie?" I fire at Noah.

"Woah, what? Why couldn't you sleep? Bad dreams again?" He asks softly sitting up next to me.

"Yeah. Since that night I keep having the same bad dream." I sigh and lean into Noah.

"Have you spoken about it to anyone?" I still see my therapist Emma once a week over zoom, which Noah knows. I assume that's what he's referring to. He never presses about what I discuss with my therapist knowing that if I want him to know I'll share. It's a level of respect that I really love about him.

"Mhm... I spoke to Emma about it."

"Good baby. Hopefully that's been helpful?"

"I guess. She thinks it's because my comfort zone has been altered so much recently and that was the last thing to push it a little too far. It should go back to normal but it might take some time. So what's the deal with Nick and Sadie?" I ask not dropping the subject making Noah laugh.

"I don't know baby, I know just as much as you do." I huff at his answer. "Babe I left the bar that night with you. I honestly have no idea, Nick hasn't said anything to me."

"Okaaay... we need to be at the airport in a couple of hours. Want breakfast?"

"Yes please. I'll get ready and meet you down stairs." I'm already showered and dressed since I've been up so long.

I make my way back down the stairs, to the kitchen where Nick and Jolly are sitting at the table.

"This yours?" Nick asks holding up my book while I grab some stuff from the fridge.

"Mhmm. You wanna borrow it?" I joke making Jolly laugh.

"Yeah, only if it's dirty." Nick replies while I dig around the cupboard to get myself a pan.

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