Chapter 30 - But You're My Favourite Mar

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"Sadie!" I knock on her door but there's no answer. I need to get my straighteners, Noah has something planned for lunch and I want my hair to look cute. This has got to be the only downside to friends staying over for so long, you end up lending them things and then you never get them back. "Fucksake Sadie." I knock again and still no answer. Well if she's not in then I'm gonna have to go into her room and find them myself. I sigh and open the door.

"Oh fuck. SHIT!! MAR GET OUT!!"

"Oh my fucking god! My fucking eyes need to be bleached! Jesus fuck! I just wanted my straighteners!" I slam the door shut and run back to my room.

"You good baby?" Noah asks as I close the bedroom door behind me.

"My fucking eyes, I can't unsee it. Thats going to be in my memory forever. Someone won the bet." I tell him and he raises one of his eyebrows at me.

"Wait what?"

"I walked in on them fucking Noah. I saw it all. Oh my god. You're not supposed to see your friends in those positions." Noah starts to laugh at the situation.

"Did you just walk into her room?"

"No! I knocked. Twice. I just wanted my straighteners back so my hair looked cute for lunch."

"Oh baby, you poor thing. Must have been quite the sight. Will you recover?" Noah sarcastically replies getting a well deserved scowl from me.

"Probably not. Ew." I tell him and make my way to the bathroom to get myself ready.

I hear a gentle knock on the bedroom door and poke my head out the bathroom to see who it is.

"Sadie sent me to drop these off for Mar. Also sorry." Nick sheepishly says to Noah who just chuckles.

"You should be sorry, I did not want to walk into that." I make a face at Nick who's just standing in the doorway with only his underwear on. "Thanks for getting my straighteners back to me though, and thanks for putting those images into my mind forever. Permanently scarred now."

"Are you mad at me?" Nick asks and I can't help but laugh.

"No? Why would I be mad at you? I'd just rather not walk in on my friends fucking." Nicks cheeks turn bright red as I say it making Noah laugh even harder.

"Valid. Sorry Mar." Nick apologises and makes his way back to Sadie's room, Noah swiftly closes the door behind him.

"Do you know what's going on with those two?" Noah asks as he pulls out a hoodie from the wardrobe.

"No idea. I guess we'll find out soon enough though." It was inevitable that it would happen. We all knew it but I feel sightly over protective about Sadie, especially with everything that she's gone through recently.

"Are you ready for lunch?" Noah asks as I put on my sunglasses.

"Always. Let's go."


Noah sits across from me at the restaurant, my hand in  his.

"I can't believe it's tomorrow that we leave. We haven't even packed." I can hear the slight panic in my voice and Noah soothingly strokes his thumb over mine.

"Babe, everything will be okay. We'll pack when we get back." Noah smiles.

"I know, everything will be amazing. Are you excited? How are you feeling?" I'm rambling, my anxiety getting the better of me. I don't know why I'm so anxious. I guess meeting Noah whilst he was touring is one thing but going on tour with him as his partner is another.

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