Chapter 37 - American Boys

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"My friend!!!" Rose squeals as she runs full force at Noah as we make our way up the drive, closely followed by a hesitant Folio, Nick and Jolly.

"Hey Rosie, nice to see you too." I say sarcastically as she hugs Noah's leg making me laugh.

"Hi Go." Rose says to me arms wrapped around Noah's leg forcing him to pretty much drag her up the drive. Her giggle hits me like a ton of bricks.

"Margoooo!" Isla screams as she runs straight into my arms.

"Ooooft girl you're growing." I tell her lifting her off of ground resting her on my hip. "I won't be able to pick you up like this for much longer Isla."

"Whatever. Missed you." She replies as she plays with my hair wrapping strands around her fingers. "I like the pink." She whispers referring to the couple of pink pieces I put through my hair.

"Thanks baby, I did it myself." I smile at her as we head for the house.

"More boys?" Isla whispers cautiously looking over my shoulder to the rest of the group.

"More boys." I reply making her giggle. "They're nice boys Isla, good boys. They've been looking after me."

"In America?"

"Yeah Isla in America."

"American boys?" She says the pitch of her voice raising causing me to giggle.

"Shhh baby, American boys."

"Like Noah?"

"Yes, like Noah." I laugh as we enter the house.

"American boys are my favourite!" Isla practically screams making all of us laugh.

"Good luck lads." My grandad chuckles as he guides us into the kitchen where my grandma is seated at the table, a pot of tea already waiting for us.

"Right who's who?" My grandma says as we all take seats at the table. Noah looking much more comfortable in the setting since the last time we were here. Folio, Jolly and Nick all look uncomfortable and honestly quite terrified.

"Folio, Jolly, Nick. Oh and that boy I dragged home from last time." I joke making Noah blush.

"Well I'm Mariah, that's Burt, Isla and Rose." My grandma introduces everyone as she pours the tea.

"Can I get up peas No-ah." Rose looks up at Noah with her big brown eyes and I can't help but smile at how much she loves him.

"Sure." He lifts her gently off of the floor and balances her on his knee.

"Fanks." She smirks at me seemingly content with where she's managed to secure herself a seat.

Nick glances between Noah and I smiling to himself.

"What?" I mouth at him.

"Nothing." He mouths back lifting his mug to his lips hiding the smile.

"Are you all American?" Isla barks at the boys as she takes a seat next to Jolly.

"Not all, I'm not." Jolly tells Isla who seems less then impressed by this.

"Well where are you from then?" She asks eyebrows raised.

"Sweden..." Jolly hesitates.

"So not America?" Isla confirms and Jolly shakes his head suppressing a smirk. "Where is Sweden?"

"Europe baby." I explain and she looks completely baffled by my answer.

"I'd like to go to you rope." Isla says so confidently earning a chuckle from Noah and Folio.

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