Chapter 5 - The Show Must Go On

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We finally make it to New Castle at one in the morning. Noah slept in the car the whole way down until we got to the city where I had to wake him for directions to the hotel.

"Here we are." He says as he lugs my case into the hotel room.

"You must have been exhausted." I say and he nods.

"You wore me out." He jokes as he tries to hide a yawn.  

"Oh stop it." I say and make a quick dash to the bathroom to freshen up and brush my teeth.

"You must be so tired, you drove almost five hours straight." Noah says from the bed.

"Yeah, honestly I'm so ready for bed." I reply sifting through my stuff to find my pjs. I quickly get changed while Noah's in the bathroom and then get into bed, him joining me just a couple of minutes later. "Is it okay if we put the T.V on?" I ask and Noah nods.

"Ofcourse, what do you want to watch?"

"Oh I don't mind, I just like background noise to fall asleep to." I explain and he nods whilst trying to find a movie. "Have you been to New Castle before?"

"No, first time. You?" He selects one of the channels that's playing the BFG.

"No never. First time too." I say as I snuggle into him. Everything feels so natural, like it's supposed to be. He starts to play with my hair and I can already feel myself slipping away to sleep.

"Go to sleep baby, you're tired." Noah whispers and kisses the top of my head, I don't have the energy to even fight off the urge to sleep.

"Night Noah. Sweet dreams."

"Night baby, sweet dreams."


"Morning." Noah whispers, his arms wrapped around me.

"Good morning. How did you sleep?" I ask my eyes still closed.

"Very well thank you, you?"

"Yeah pretty good, what's the time?" I ask Noah and stretch.

"Half eight, I've been awake for about an hour but I didn't want to move. This beds too comfortable and we were all wrapped up so I didn't want to wake you. Baby, I need to go and meet the boys quickly this morning but we can do something for lunch and have a look around New Castle when I get back?"

"Yeah Ofcourse, you're here for work. I'll meet Cass for some breakfast and maybe try to look at some more rentals. Hopefully I have better luck this time." I wriggle free of Noah and he quickly gets himself showered and ready for going out.

"I'll be back about eleven, I'll just meet you downstairs in the lobby." He tells me and I nod my head, he kisses me quickly and then makes a dash for the door. "Bye gorgeous, I'll see you in a bit." He waves and makes his leave.

I get up and grab a shower, quickly do my make up and shoot Cassidy a message, getting a reply while I'm blow drying my hair. I throw on my black cargos, a rust slightly cropped knit jumper, and my Docs. I grab my laptop, handbag and room key, then quickly make my way down to the lobby where Cassidy is waiting.

"Fucking hell, I'm so hungry. Let's get some food." She barks at me before I even reach her.

"Good morning to you too Cass." I reply and she's already dragging me along to where I assume the cafe is in the hotel.

Cassidy piles her plate up with bacon, mushrooms, scrambled eggs and some beans whilst I opt for some porridge with honey and a banana along with a cup of coffee.

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