Chapter 24 - Starfish, Frozen Yogurt & Sadie

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It's been just over a week since the incident in the bar and Noahs being a little more protective and cautious of who's around us than usual, not that I'm complaining.

Noah's hands in mine as we walk along the beach. The sun's out but it's cooler being closer to the sea.

"I love the beach, it just makes me feel at home." I say as we continue walking further along the shore.

"Do you miss home?" Noah asks, slight hint of uncertainty in his voice.

"Thats a hard question. I guess in a way yeah, it's comfortable and being so close to family was lovely. I miss that. I obviously had way more friends there than here. It'll take time, like I still think I'm on holiday being here. I love it but it's not starting to feel like home yet. I don't think it'll feel like home until I've been here for a while." I tell Noah and he turns to face me.

"Do you think you'd want to go back?" He hesitates.

"I don't think so. Right now, definitely not. Even though my grandparents are young grandparents, Rowan will still very much be a child when they reach their seventies. If I'm not there they'd most likely go into care. It's complicated. I don't like thinking about that kind of stuff but in reality I don't know what the outcome would be." I sigh and we continue our walk.

"That's a lot for you to take on." Noah tells me and sits himself down in the sand, I do the same.

"I know. They're kids. They didn't ask for it, but it's reality... my grandparents are still young, they could live for another thirty years so I try not to think about it too much." I draw shapes in the sand and notice that Noah's doing the same. "I hope my parents stop making babies." I try to lighten the mood brushing the sand off of my hands.

"Do you wanna go look at the tide pools?" Noah asks a sudden change of topic.

"Uh... what's a tide pool?" I feel dumb for asking.

"Like a pool near the rocks that has things like fish and crabs in them." He explains.

"Ohh! Like rock pools, sure. I wanna see." I reply as Noah stands holding out his hand for me. I take it and he pulls me off the ground. Quickly I glance at where we were sitting looking at the shapes that we drew on the sand. Mines all stars and hearts, Noah's drawn one big heart with an N and an M in the centre. "Hey..." I say as he starts to walk.

"Mhm?" He turns around to look at me and I know I have the biggest smile on my face.

"I love you." Noah looks between the sand and me, chuckling to himself.

"I love you too baby, let's go find some starfish."

We walk along the beach until we find some rock pools. I grab a stick and we look into each pool gently pushing the seaweed out of the way with the stick I grabbed.

"Look at that wee crab." I point at a tiny hermit crab scuttling along the pool, hiding itself back under the seaweed. Noah grabs another stick and gently pushes the seaweed back up to see what else is underneath. A couple of tiny fish swim to the other side of the rock and bury themselves under the sand.

Most pools we come across we try to gently dig around them careful not to disturb the wildlife that lives in the pools. We see more fish, crabs and shrimp and finally a sun looking starfish.

"Woah... I don't think I've ever seen one like that." I crouch down to the pool to get a closer look at it, Noah does the same. "It's so pretty." I feel Noah's eyes on me and he pulls me into him to kiss me quickly.

My stomach growls ruining the moment and a laugh escapes Noah.

"Hungry?" He asks and I nod. "Wanna get frozen yogurt?"

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