Chapter 51 - Fry Haters Stay Together Forever

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Sadie and I are standing at the side of the stage. The crowd is fucking huge, the sun is hot and the boys are as energetic and mesmerising as ever.

"CONCRETE!" Noah shouts pacing the stage waiting for the crowd to shout back.

"Jungle!" They shout and Noah shakes his head at their response. They're loud, really fucking loud. The volume of people here is insane but he needs to get them worked up, he needs to get the placing buzzing.

"I can't hear you! I said CONCRETE!!!" Noah shouts again, Sadie and I join in with the crowd this time shouting "Jungle" back at Noah who glances over to us smirking quickly then facing back to the crowd.

"Let's add some stomps to it. CONCRETE!"


"Almost. CONCRETE!"









"Whooooo!" Sadie and I cheer from the sidelines. "I don't think I'll ever tire of hearing that growl." I tell Sadie who bumps my arm with her elbow.

"I fucking bet." She winks and I shake my head at her dirty mind.

"Not like that... well kinda like that too." I laugh as we watch the rest of the song bopping along singing the lyrics.

The boys exit the stage sweaty and exhausted but on a high, Noah as usual engulfs me in a sticky hug so that I have to peel myself off of him.

"You know I think the mask is really growing on me." I wink up at Noah who kisses my forehead in response.

"Interesting." He laughs in reply as we all make our way to the trailer for the guys to freshen up.

"I want one." I tell Noah making him laugh.

"You want a mask?"

"Yup." I reply bluntly and Noah places the mask in my hand.

"Here, take this one." He smiles and I shove the mask in the back pocket of my shorts.


"Y'all freaky." Folio chuckles at us as he passes by to grab his stuff.

"He's so annoying." I hiss at Noah.

"So fucking annoying." He agrees heading off to get his own stuff. "Do you wanna stay or go?" Noah asks as we hover around waiting for everyone else.

"We could stay a while maybe?"

"Sure, let's go get some food." Noah smiles taking my hand and finally the rest of the group are ready to go. "We're gonna go get food, you guys coming?" Noah asks and they shrug in reply trailing along behind us as we make our way into the main grounds of the festival.

"You guys are brave wandering around when you literally just performed." Sadie says as we make our way through the crowds earning a few second glances from people who definitely recognise the boys.

"Eh, I just wanna eat. I'm fucking starving." Folio replies his stomach growling minutes later as we approach a burger stall. "Here's always good, what you guys getting?"

"I could definitely demolish a burger right now." Noah tells me and I nod in agreement.

We were up so early to travel here and pretty much hanging around back stage until the guys were ready for their slot. No one's eaten since we left the house which was well over six hours go.

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