Chapter 42 - Everything's Black

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It's been a week since we got home. Noah's been back in the studio with the boys and I'm still no wiser about what he was going to tell me on the plane.

It's eating away at me not knowing what he was going to say. I haven't even had a chance to speak to him because they've all been so busy.

"Wanna do something?" Sadie asks poking her head through the door.

"Sure. Hike?" I suggest and Sadie nods in agreement.

"Just what I was thinking. Lemme get changed and we can go." She closes the door behind her leaving me to get ready.

I quickly tie my hair up then change into my black aybl work out leggings and a black workout seamless crop top, then slipping on my Nike trainers.

I take the stairs two at a time looking down at my feet slamming right into Noah's chest.

"Oooft sorry." I look up to him. "Hey, you're home early."

"Yeah. I'm drained. I needed to call it a day. You look fucking good babe." His hands go straight to my hips pulling me towards him.

"I'm off out for a hike with Sadie." I tell him as his hands make their way to my ass where he gives me a quick squeeze.

"Damn, I was hoping you'd just come back so I we can get a shower together." He growls in my ear. If I knew going for a hike did this to Noah I'd go for a hike every fucking day.

"Break it up you two, we're off." Sadie smirks at the top of the stairs.

"Do y'all need a ride?" Noah asks.

"That would be great thank you." Sadie replies and we make our way outside to the car.

"I need to get groceries so I'll drop you guys off, just gimme a call when you're almost done and I'll come pick you up." Noah says as we all get into the car.

"Thanks babe." I reply as Noah starts up the car pulling out the drive.

"It's crazy that I've already been here nearly two months." Sadie sighs in the back seat.

"Yeah, you have another two left though... do you know what you're gonna do next?" I probe the question gently.

"Not really... I..." She eyes Noah in the mirror and there's obviously something she isn't saying because he's here.

"Ahh..." I sigh causing Noah to look over at me one brow raised.

"Is it to do with Nick?" Noah asks not beating around the question at all.

"Kinda, yeah." Sadie replies looking at him in the mirror.

"I swear I won't say anything." Noah promises. "I'm just the driver."

"Who is also Nicks best friend and my friend's boyfriend. Ofcourse you'll tell him Noah." She laughs then looks out the car window. "Look It fucking sucks. I'm in love with him. Me, in love. What the fuck? But I can't stay here. He can't move in with me because I don't even have a home to move him into plus his whole life is here. I really have no idea what I'm going to do. Do I go home and lose him do I just continue travelling solo which also means not being able to be with him. Fuck knows."

"So what are you and Nick?" Noah asks and I give him side eye for being so bold.

"I don't know..." I whip my head around giving Sadie look. "What? I don't. I have no idea what we are. I love him but we can't be anything so just really attached friends with benefits I guess." She laughs nervously. I shake my head at her answer knowing that neither of them really think of each other as just friends with benefits.

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