Chapter 47 - Mrs Noah Sebastian

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"This is bullshit. I'm gonna have this cast on when we travel." I huff at Noah as we wander around Walmart.

"At least it'll be off by the time we see your grandparents." Noah smiles kindly at me as we stop at the snacks aisle.

"Hmph, I suppose so. I can't wait to surprise them with a visit." I smile as I grab a packet of Lays. "You like these?" I ask Noah who nods and I place them in the basket.

"Heard from Sadie?" Noah asks and I shake my head. I haven't heard anything from her since she left a few days ago.

"No. Nothing... has Nick said anything?" I reply.

Nicks been moping around the house for the past two days, shuffling from one room to another hence the impromptu movie night. Apparently that's our thing. If one of us is sad there's nothing a movie night can't fix.

"No nothing. Him and Folio are being sus though. Somethings up I just don't know what." Noah replies as we continue to make our way down the aisle.

"How do you mean sus?" I ask as Noah picks up a bag of Cheetos adding them to the basket.

"I don't know. They're plotting something or Nicks said something to him. I feel it." He laughs and I shake my head at him.

"You feel it?"

"Mhmm, come on we need popcorn. Try not to throw it this time Mar." Noah winks grabbing a bag of popcorn.

"Hey that wasn't me. Not my fault you're all fucking feral."

"I'll show you feral." Noah replies without thinking blushing instantly after as he realises there's people within earshot to our conversation.

"Time and place Noah. Time and place."


"I think that's everything." I say to Noah handing him the bowl of popcorn.

"Fucking finally you've been in here ages." He groans as we make our way through to the sitting room where Folio, Jolly and Nick are already seated.

"This is fucking depressing." Nick grumbles as Noah and I take a seat on the sofa.

"What's depressing?" Noah asks and Nick rolls his eyes.

"Your sympathy. All of you. It's depressing." Nick bluntly replies keeping his eyes on the T.V screen the whole time.

"Nah, y'all did this for me when I wasn't feeling my best so it's only fair we do it for you." I smile at Nick as he selects a movie.

"Y'all. Margo, you've been hanging out with us for waaay too long." Folio chuckles at my choice of words and I shrug.

"Lord of the Rings, fuck yes." Noah declares as Nick settles on the movie.

"Ugh..." I moan at the movie selection.

"Ay, I'm sad no complaints at the movie choice." Nick smirks at me as Noah wraps his arm around me pulling me closer making Nick seem uncomfortable. My eyes narrow as I try to figure him out.

"The fuck happened with you two." I whisper more to myself than to anyone else but I feel Noah tense beside me as Nick, Jolly and Folio all turn to me. "What?" Nick gapes at me.

"She didn't tell you?" Nick asks his voice wavers.

"Nope. Which means it's bad because girls tell each other everything... did she do something?" The movies still playing but no one's paying attention.

"We both did something." Nick sighs running his hands through his hair. No one says anything, an awkwardness clearly present.

I pick up my phone uncomfortable with the situation as the boys focus again on the movie.

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