Chapter 10 - That Boys In Fucking Love

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The boys finish their final show before Dublin and I can't help but feel upset.

"You guys were insane." I tell Noah as they all make their way down from the stage.

"I'm gonna miss this." Noah says to me as he takes me in his arms.

"Me too." I whisper into his chest. I look up at him and his lips collide with mine. He starts to kiss me as if no one else is around.

"Fucking knock it off you guys. Y'all be fucking If you continue." Folio laughs as he slaps Noah on the ass. 

"I'm gonna miss you." I tell Noah as we make our leave.

"I'm gonna miss you too, I wish you could come with us."

"Me too, what's your date for being back in the states?"

"I think we're due to be home for the second. When will you be flying out?"

"I haven't booked my tickets yet, I was hoping for the start of the month but I'm not too sure." I tell Noah as we get closer to our hotel.

"Do you know where you're flying from?"

"Probably Edinburgh to Toronto, Toronto to L.A." I say as we approach the hotel. "It's quite nerve wracking thinking about it to be honest. Navigating the airport by myself slightly fills me with fear but it'll be worth it."

"I wish I could fly with you but I'll already be in L.A. I'll meet you at the airport if you want." Noah tells me as he opens the door to our room.

"Yes please, I'd love that. Thank you! Will you be my L.A tour guide?" I say with a wink.

"Oh yes, definitely. I'll show you all the coolest places." Noah says with a laugh.

"I bet you will." I hop onto the bed and take off my shoes and check my phone. "Fucksake, Cassidy called and I missed it."

"Did she leave a voicemail?" Noah asks from the bathroom.

"Nope, I'll be a minute, gonna nip out and try to call her back." I step out of the room and try to call Cassidy but she doesn't answer. I try again but still nothing, I leave her a voicemail and I can't help but notice that neither of the girls have gotten back to me. I look up from my phone just as Folios passing me to go to his room. "What happened with you and Cass?" I ask him and he stares at me blankly. "She won't talk to me."

"She was just ranting on the bus. Nothing really happened she was just going on and on about you and Noah. When we got back to the hotel told me that she wanted something to come from us sleeping together and I said that I can't do that. I guess she didn't like it and she flipped, she was shouting, a lot. Noah said you guys heard. We argued for a long ass time and then she said she was going out to get some air. About twenty minutes later I went to check on her and noticed that her stuff that she had put in the bus had gone. I called her to ask her where she was and she told me that she was on her way home. I haven't spoken to her since. Sorry Margo." Folio tells me and I nod.

"Okay, thanks I guess."

"Do you want me to try get a hold of her?" He asks.

"No it's okay. She probably wants to be alone. Thanks for telling me." I say and open the door to our room.

Noah's in bed already, freshly showered his hair still wet. I quickly get ready for bed and join him.

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