Chapter 20 - Valentines Day

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"I'll see you guys later!" Nick shouts as he closes the front door behind him.

We're in the kitchen attempting to cook dinner together. The whole time I've been living here not once have we used the kitchen to make dinner. These boys pretty much live off of take out.

I'm not even too sure what we're trying to make, just throwing things together that look like it might work as a meal. We've roasted some veggies in the oven, cooked the pasta and now we're just waiting for the chicken to be done.

"Do you think that's properly cooked?" Noah scoops out a piece of chicken from the pan and holds it up for me to assess.

"Yeah baby, that's definitely done." I tell Noah and he takes the chicken off the stove. We plate up our meal and both take a seat at the kitchen table. "It's so quiet." I whisper.

"I know it's strange." Noah says as he takes a bite of his dinner. "Did you get much done this morning with us all being out?"

"Yeah I managed to write another couple of chapters. I also heard back from a letting agent but again the property I wanted to view has gone but she's sent forward a couple that I might be interested in. Positive that they're now taking me seriously. How was your interview? Did it go well?"

"Good I'm glad. Remember you can stay here as long as you need to. Yeah it was great, they tried digging around about "what our dating lives are like since we've taken off" but we managed to swerve them back onto the topic of the band and music. All went pretty well." Noah tells me taking another bite of his food. "I don't know what we made but it tastes pretty fucking good."

"Gordon Ramsay eat your heart out." I wink.

"Did you do anything last Valentine's Day?" Noah asks his curiosity clearly getting the better of him.

"I had a Galentines Day with Cass. We went to the cinema and then went for pizza. Nothing extravagant but it was fun. Did you do anything?"

"We kinda forgot it was Valentine's Day but we did go out for a few drinks, Jolly and I came home early. Nick and Folio stayed out a lil longer." Noah clears his plate and I do the same. "Do you wanna go pick a movie and I can finish up here." Noah points at the dishes in the sink.

"Are you sure?"

"Definitely." Noah kisses me gently on my forehead.

I'm scrolling through the movies on Netflix when Noah joins me in the living room.

"I can't choose. Anything you're really not in the mood for?"

"Not really, I'm down for anything." Noah says as he leans back into the sofa.

"You're always down for anything." I wink at Noah. "The Hangover it is." I select the movie and curl into him. He twirls my hair around his finger. "This has been the best Valentine's I've ever had." I look up to Noah and he gently kisses me.

"Me too baby." Noah whispers against my lips. He kisses me again, his tongue glides against my lower lip making me melt into him. One hand is in my hair the other around my waist pulling me closer into him. "Hey, the movie." I breathlessly say making Noah smirk.

"Do you wanna watch the movie?" I'm shaking my head before I even realise. Noah's lips find their way back to mine his hands running up my thighs slowly.

"Noah.... Not here." I whisper, and he groans. I quickly peck him on the lips and stand up, my legs completely weak.

"Where are you going?" Noah asks me.

"To bed, you coming?" A smile plays on my lips, Noah practically jumps off the sofa and turns off the T.V following me up to our room where we put on the same movie and get comfortable in bed. "When do you think Nick will be back?" I ask Noah who shrugs.

"Maybe later tonight. Depends how it goes."

"So no one home but us for at least the next few hours." I wink at Noah who leans into my ear.

"Thank fuck because I'm gonna make you scream." Noah growls into my ear as he starts to leave a trail of kisses down my neck.

Before I know it our clothes are crumpled in a pile on the floor. We're breathless and tired, curled into each other. Noah gently kisses me again, pulling me into him. I straddle him as our kiss deepens, my arms loosely wrapped around his neck. Noah's breathing becomes quicker, deeper as his hands grip my waist making me moan.

"Fuck." Noah whispers just as the front door slams completely shattering the moment. "Aw shit." Noah groans running his hands through his hair, a habit of his I've now come to notice.

"We should go check." I softly reply making Noah groan again.

"I wanna stay here..." 

"I know, but that didn't sound good." I lift myself off of Noah's lap and attempt get out of bed. Noah grabs my waist and pulls me back into bed.

"I'll check. You stay here." Noah demands as he quickly pulls on some shorts and makes his way down the stairs.


"Noah?.. you okay?" I tiptoe down the stairs. I can hear voices in the kitchen and peak my head through the door. "You good?" I quietly ask as I step into the kitchen.

"Yeah baby, I'll be a second." Noah tells me as Nick stands across from him arms folded against his chest. I nod and turn to leave.

"Hey Mar, I need a girls opinion." Nick says and I turn back to them.

"Sure..." I join their huddle by the sink and prop myself on-top of the counter. I cross my legs making myself comfortable. "What's up? Your date go well?" Nick looks at me nervously.

"Yeah, it went really well, until it didn't. I'm just worried. I think that she might just like me for the fact I'm in the band." Nick tells me.

"Why do you think that? Has she done something that makes you think that way or are you worried about getting too close." I ask as Noah starts to make us all drinks.

"I don't know... I've always paid for stuff yanno without even thinking, like we're on a date I'll pay..." I nod as Noah hands us mugs filled with tea. "Something about me going away and us not talking at all and then when I come back she's wanting to meet. I don't know it feels weird. When I saw her today it felt weird, not a good weird. It was still a good date but something was off and I can't put my finger on it. Maybe it was me, maybe I'm over thinking it or maybe I'm right. I don't know Mar." Nick explains and I sip my tea. I catch Noah looking into his mug and sighing.

"Nick if it feels weird and not a good weird, trust your gut. If you think you're just nervous sit on it for a few days and revisit it. It doesn't need to happen all in one night." I tell him.

"I just see how happy you guys are and I want that." Nick sighs looking between both me and Noah.

"Bro, it'll happen." Noah gives Nick a hug as I try to cover a yawn. I hop down from the counter and wrap my arms around the guys turning it into a tiny group hug.

"Night guys, I'm off to bed. I appreciate you both." Nick says picking up his drink making his way to his room, Noah and I do the same.

"Sorry I didn't mean to walk in on that. You were gone for almost an hour and I wanted to make sure everything was okay. I didn't know I was walking into something private." I tell Noah as we both get back into bed.

"It's okay, honestly you're definitely better at advice from a girls perspective than me." Noah laughs and I rest my head on his chest as Noah begins to scroll through Netflix again.

"Do you think he'll be okay?"

"Yeah, he'll be good. He just needs time." Noah says as he smooths down my hair. He puts on the movie Kick-Ass as his hand run down my back. "We were interrupted." Noah reminds me making me smirk.

"Mhmm... we were..."

"You'll need to be quiet." Noah whispers making me giggle.

"We both know I can't do that..."

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