Chapter 13 - I Love You

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"I have a three hour layover." I tell Noah as I make my way to the terminal.

"Do you know when you're due to land?" Noah asks and I'm so exhausted already. It's eleven in the morning, my flight from Edinburgh to Toronto took about twelve hours.

"Half four-ish. God, Noah I'm so tired and I feel gross." I moan as I find a table in the terminal.

"I'll get there for just after four and wait for you. Baby you look beautiful."

"You could be waiting for ages." I tell Noah and play with the sugar packet on the table. "I can't wait to see you, sorry I'm cranky I'm just fucking tired."

"Did you manage to sleep on the plane?"

"No, I tried but I couldn't. I need coffee. I hate this, travelling alone. I'm just overwhelmed."

"The worst of it's over babe, you don't have long left. Go grab your coffee and I'll meet you at the airport in a few hours, okay?"

"Okay. I'll see you soon."

"See you soon baby."


The wheels of my suitcases rattle on the tiled floor as I make my way to the exit, my legs feeling too heavy for my body as I drag them through the airport.

I look up and I see children running to grandparents, friends hugging each other hello, loved ones kissing. Then I see him, standing there with flowers and a huge smile on his face.

I pick up my pace without realising and Noah does the same. I let go of my bags and wrap my arms around him.

"Oh my god." I mutter into his chest, Noah keeps his arms around me. "I missed you."

"I missed you too." Noah whispers and kisses the top of my head.

"I look like shit, I'm so sorry." Noah's still holding me and I can hear him quietly laughing.

"No you don't but you do look tired baby. C'Mon let's go home." Noah says and I look up to him.


Home, baby." Noah says and quickly gives me a peck. "Oh I got you these." Noah says and hands me a bouquet of pink peonies.

"Noah, they're beautiful. You remembered peonies are my favourite. Thank you so much."

"You're welcome." He replies and grabs one of my cases and takes my hand in the other. I pull the other case along behind me and follow Noah's lead to the carpark.

"Woah, it's warm." I say as we step outside.

"This isn't even warm." Noah tells me with a laugh.

"Stop it. Im boiling, maybe joggers and a cosy hoodie wasn't the right choice." I laugh as we approach the car and stack my cases in the boot. We hop in and I play with the bouquet Noah gave me. "Thank you for picking me up baby, I really appreciate it."

"You're welcome. Did you really expect me not to?" Noah asks as he starts up the car and Bring Me The Horizons "Can You Feel My Heart" blares from the speakers.

"Shit, that'll wake me up." I say and Noah laughs and turns it down slightly.


"No worries, it's an anthem but I'm running on low fumes." I laugh as I rest my head against the headrest and close my eyes.


"Baby, we're home." I hear Noah gently say and I slowly open my eyes.

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