Chapter 34 - Perfect. Always Perfect

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Noah drags me inside Madame Tussaud's leaving Sadie and Nick out in the Las Vegas heat.

"Shit." I mutter under my breath as we take our place in the queue with Matt, Bryan, Jolly and Folio.

"What's wrong Mar?" Bryan asks clearly hearing me.

"Oh nothing. Madame Tussaud's kinda gives me the fear. I don't think I've been to one since I was a kid." I explain making them chuckle.

"They are kinda fucking creepy." Noah agrees as we approach the front of the queue and purchase our tickets.

"Ay, where's Nick and Sadie?" Folio asks as we step aside to let the people behind us go ahead. I look straight up at Noah for an explanation.

"They're just outside?" He almost states it as a question causing Folio to be suspicious and raise an eyebrow.

"You guys go ahead I can wait here for them." I smile at the group.

"Fuck no. I'm the tour guide and the group stays together. We'll wait and if they're not here in ten I'll go see what's up." Folio says and I shrug in defeat. There's no point in protesting.

About five minutes later Nick and Sadie come inside, get their tickets and join us.

"Finally! Tours behind schedule now." Folio jokes as we make our way through.

"Are you alright?" I ask Sadie as Noah walks ahead with Nick.

"Yeah... I think so." She whispers back.

"Think so?.." I reply and Sadie just stays looking down at the floor but nods.

"Let's go find Travis." Sadie smiles completely changing the subject.

"Let's find Travis." I reply as we catch up to the group.

We make our way around Madame Tussaud's taking stupid photos with different wax figures. Every wax figure we stop at the guys do an even more ridiculous pose than before making us take photos of each one.

"Shall we grab lunch?" Matt asks as we make our leave.

"Yessss, I'm fucking starving." Nick replied and Folio leads the way once again to our next "Tour Stop."


"Why are tacos so fucking messy to eat." I mutter to Noah.

"I think it's something to do with the shell being hard, yet crumbles so easily... I'm not too sure. That's a thinker I'll get back to you." Noah sarcastically replies making me roll my eyes.

"Shut up." I reply as my phone starts to light up with my grandparents picture. "Shit... it's like five in the morning." There's panic in my voice as I grab my phone. I motion for Noah to let me out of the booth so I can take the call outside. I push past him and make my way to the exit answering the call, Noah closely behind me.

"Hey love... Are you okay?" My grandads voice is croaky.

"Hi, how are you? Is everything okay? You guys are up early this morning." I reply looking up at Noah with concern.

"Is someone there with you love?" My grandad asks me completely avoiding the questions I asked.

"Yeah... I'm with Noah. Is grandma okay?"

"Oh yes, she's fine. Look pet, it's your mum."

"What about her? Is she pregnant again?" I hear my grandad sigh on the other end of the line.

"No she's gone pet, she passed away this morning."

"Fuck." The word fly out my mouth before I can stop it.  I can feel my eyes beginning to well and I don't know why. She was never there for me. She didn't raise me. She had an awful addiction and it lead her to do awful things but she was still my mum. "Are you okay?" I manage to mumble and Noah takes my hand in his.

"Yes love just a little shaken up. Look I'm sorry to be telling you these things over the phone but I'll keep you updated with everything. You don't need to come back for the funeral if you don't want to but I'll let you know when it is once we've sorted everything." My grandad explains and I can tell he's trying to hold back his own tears. He's lost his daughter, his only child. My heart hurts for him, for my grandma, for all of us.

"Thank you... I love you."

"Love you too pet. I'll talk to you later." He replies and with that hangs up the phone. I can't help but sob as soon as the calls ended, Noah wraps his arms around me instantly. I don't care that we're in public and the tears are pouring, I can't hold them back.

"Shhhh... you're okay." Noah whispers and kisses the top of my head. He holds me until I settle after completely soaking his top with my tears.

"My mum..." I manage to mumble, my throat feeling like it's being crushed. I swallow hard before continuing. "She's gone... she died." I tell Noah and he pulls me into him again stroking my hair, holding me so tightly against his chest.

I didn't even ask how. I didn't need to. Noah doesn't ask. He knows like how I instantly knew. He doesn't say anything for a new minutes, knowing that there's nothing to say to make anything different.

"Hotel or Folios tour as a distraction?" Noah gently asks me. All I want is to be alone but I know that won't do me any good.

"Stupid Folio tour." I look up to Noah, his hand rests on my cheek and he kisses me like no one's watching, with so much force it's like he's trying to take the hurt away from me. 

"Do you want to tell them?" Noah asks and I shake my head.

"No. I barely know Matt and Bryan plus I don't want to ruin the mood. Today's supposed to be fun." I tell Noah as he wipes smudged make up from under my eyes.

"Babe..." he sighs sympathetically.

"Not today please Noah." I don't want to think about it. It feels strange. I barely knew her. "Not today, maybe tomorrow."

"Okay, tomorrow." Noah brushes the strands of hair from my forehead and kisses where they were resting his lips against my skin, he sighs not moving from this moment letting me breathe.

"Are you guys okay?" Nick asks from behind Noah.

"Oh yeah, sorry we'll be a second." Noah replies without turning around to face him still holding me.

"Okay, cool, just your food is gonna get eaten if you don't come back in soon. Matts eyeing up your tacos." Nick tells us making me giggle at the innocence of his timing.

"Okay. We're coming." I take Noah's hand in mine and head towards the door. "Do I look okay?" I quickly turn around to face him before I open the door knowing that I probably look anything but okay.

"Perfect. Always perfect."


Sorry guys I know this one's short but I need to set the tone for the next few chapters which will be more detailed etc 😅 hopefully you're all enjoying so far! Let me know!

Love y'all 🖤

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