Chapter 40 - It's You

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"So... you like the suit." Noah smiles at me as I sit on the bed taking off my shoes.

"I told you the suit is fine, you wearing the suit is what I love." I smirk back kicking my shoes in the corner of the room. Noah throws the suit jacket down on the bed as I stand up to turn on the floor lamp.

"Come here." He commands as I walk back around to where he is leaning against the wall. Noah pulls me in closer to him, leaving no space between us. He rests one hand on my waist and brings his other under my chin tilting my head upwards towards him. I swallow hard, suddenly the room feeling much hotter than before. "You love me in a suit?.." he smirks down on me, my skin prickles with goosebumps, a fire lit in my stomach.

"Mhmm." His hand grazes over my ass and he slides it up my dress.

"Good. I like that." He growls into my ear as he grips my ass squeezing it hard. My hand goes up to his tie and I begin to loosen it as Noah pulls down on my underwear letting them drop to the floor. My arms naturally wrap around Noah's neck once his tie is loosened and thrown to the ground. He brings his lips to mine, kissing me gently, his hand still firmly gripping my ass the other on my waist. Our kiss deepens his tongue glides against mine, my hands in his hair, his fingers now stroking over my clit.

We finally come up for air and I start to unbutton Noah's shirt, he keeps his eyes on me the whole time watching me undo each button. He pulls his fingers away from me bringing both hands up to my waist bunching my dress up, spanking my ass. I fumble with his belt finally unbuckling it as he picks me up spinning us around so my back is against the wall instead of his. My back flat against the hard wall and Noah holds me up using his knees keeping my feet from touching the floor.

"Why are you smirking?" I whisper his hands gliding up my thighs.

"I've got you where I want you." He whispers back as he cups my face with his hand and brings his lips back to mine. Just that small intimate note of affection almost sends me over the edge, his hand on my face as he kisses me with so much passion. His other hand reaches into his own underwear pulling his hard dick out positioning it against me. "Do you want it?" He asks knowing the answer. I nod instantly. "Tell. Me." He growls his fingers stroking over me.

"I want it. I want you Noah." He groans resting his forehead against mine at my reply as he pushes himself inside me. "Hmph..." I whimper as I wrap my arm around Noah's neck to keep myself up. He thrusts deeper sending a bolt of electricity through me, his hand grips harder on my waist as I take all of him.

"Fuck Margo." Noah grunts as I pull at his shirt collar for support.

He thrusts faster, deeper and I'm left gasping for air unable to keep myself up any longer completely unraveling for him.


"I know baby." He whispers back. I can't feel my legs, my arms wrapped around his neck is the only thing that is keeping me upright.

Noah wraps his arms around my waist and carries me over to the bed laying me down on my back then rolling me over, pulling me back up by my waist, pushing my legs slightly apart for him. His hands push up my dress again stopping it at my waist totally exposing my ass once more. Naturally I arch my back lowering my face to the mattress as I feel the tip of Noah's dick slide inside me. He pulls my waist towards him slamming himself into me and I have to bite the duvet to stop myself from screaming his name. 

"Fuck." He moans and continues to fuck me, my legs becoming weaker and weaker as I sink lower down into the mattress.


"Me too..." he replies knowing that I'm close. I grab for his hand gripping it as I slip away, feeling Noah's strokes becoming slower finally feeling him pull out, warm liquid running down my thighs.

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