Chapter 2 - The Arcade Bar (Jake Smut)

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WARNINGS: SMUT 18+, choking, spanking, alochol consumption, vomiting.

This part is a Jake Webber smut.


*The Next Morning*

Kacey woke up, reaching for her phone to check the time and it read, 8am. She felt much better this morning. She was glad that they stayed awake and fought the jet lag. Lorelei was still fast asleep beside her. She must have needed the extra rest. Kacey carefully climbed out of bed and headed out of the room closing the door behind her as quietly as possible. As she entered the kitchen, dying for some coffee, she stood for a moment, looking around confused. 'There's no kettle? How do I make a coffee?' she thought. She spent the next five minutes trying to figure out how to use the coffee machine. She tried to be quiet but accidentally clanged a bunch of mugs and pressed many loud buttons and still could not figure out how to turn the coffee pot on. Suddenly she is startled by a voice behind her.

"Need help?" She turned to see Jc stood there rubbing his eyes.

Kacey looked at him embarrassed and feeling guilty for waking him. "I am so sorry, I couldn't find the kettle and I couldn't figure out how to work the-"

Jc laughed interrupting her. "Hey! It's okay! We don't have a 'kettle'" he said confused, "but you literally just," Jc clicked on the bright green button which began to heat up and then slowly fill the pot with perfectly brewed coffee.

Kacey hung her head as he laughed at her embarrassment, "oh god.. thank you so much" she laughed.

The noise of the coffee filling up the pot woke up Crawford as he walked out of the room slowly closing the door behind him, to not wake Charlie. He turned around slowly and then stopping in his tracks as both Kacey and Jc stood staring at him, smirking.

"What?" He looked at them.

"Not gonna hold back are you?" Jc chuckled.

Crawford's face dropped as he covered his face with his hands, "oh my-"

"Fuck Crawf- I'm gonna!" Kacey imitated Charlie in a dramatic way.

They all laughed as Kacey poured 3 coffees. Crawford walked over to the sofa as Jc sat on a stool by the island. "We're only joking!" Kacey said as she handed Jc and Crawford their coffees.

"Sounds like you had a great night!" Jc laughed.

"Oh. I had the best night!" Crawford smirked as he sipped his coffee.

Kacey smiled at him, "ooo, are you gonna ask her out?"

Crawford's smile dropped slightly but he tried to hide it. "We already spoke about it, shes not looking to date right now."

Kacey and Jc looked to each other and shrugged.

"So! What are we up to today?" Kacey said as she sat next to Crawford tucking herself up on the sofa.

"Well! I have to stream today" Jc says whilst looking at his schedule. "So I thought we could go to this arcade bar!"

"An arcade bar?" Crawford said confused.

"Yeah it's a new bar that's basically a huge arcade with both new and old games" he said looking at the website on his phone. "We can also get shit faced soo..." he laughed.

"I'm sold!" Kacey said as Crawford agreed.

Jc's phone started to ring, startling them all. "Yo Jake, what's up?" Crawford and Kacey looked to each other and then back at Jc, "well we're going to that new arcade bar, you can come if you want? I'll be streaming." He said, Crawford looked at his phone as Kacey looked at the window, both them trying not to listen in on Jc's conversation. "Um, yeah Rory's gonna be there..." Kacey and Crawford's attention snap back to Jc instantly as his eyes went wide and he smirked. "Okay cool, I'll text you the deets." He put the phone down and looked away from the guys sat on the sofa. There was a silence before Kacey finally spoke.

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