Chapter 13 - I'm not afraid of sunsets anymore (Sam Smut)

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Songs and your cue to press play:

"Sweet Creature - Harry Styles" - 'She smiled as she answered him.'

"You are the Reason - Calum Scott" -  'Charlie's eyes widened as the Griffiths Observatory came into view'


*The Next Morning*

Charlie awoke in Sam's arms as he was already awake scrolling through his phone. As he felt her move, he put it back on the bedside table before looking at her as she looked up at him.

"Morning gorgeous." He said as he kissed her head softly.

"Hey baby" she smiled at him, feeling not as bad as she expected to. "Have you heard off Colby? How's Kacey after last night?" She asked Sam, smiling at the memory of Kacey beating the shit out of Amber.

"She's good, Colby said there were no more shots and no more violence for the rest of the night, even though he kinda hoping the would be!" Sam laughed.

"He's one kinky fucker him!" Charlie laughed in return. There was a moment of silence before Sam turned Charlie's head back up to face him. He kissed her softly. She kissed back, her heart warm. The kiss got slightly more heated as Sam rolled them over so he was on top. He stopped and stared deep into her eyes as they examined each other's faces. He gently moved the hair out of her face before continuing to play with it.

"Charlie, I do love you." He said, you could tell he meant every word. "You told me to tell you when I was sober. I meant it then, and I mean it now."

Before Charlie could respond he spoke to her once more. "Will you be my girlfriend? I don't want to hide anymore" his words filled Charlie's body with adrenaline. She wanted nothing more. Before she even thought about the consequences she had to be honest with him.

She smiled as she answered him, "I love you too, and yes I'd love to." He smiled at her before biting his lip. Charlie placed her hands on his face, tracing the outline of his lips. Her fingers sending goosebumps over Sam's entire body. He closed the gap between them, kissing her deep and passionately, so much love between the two. As Sam deepened the kiss, his hands wandered around Charlie's body, he wished he could every inch of her all at once. The passion between the two causing electricity between them. They bodies both in sync like they were made for one another. Charlie was ready for him, her core ached for him like magnets attracting to one another. Sam felt the same, they didn't need to think, they didn't need to speak, they both new what was happening and what they needed. Sam reach down lifting himself off Charlie for a moment, his gaze not leaving her eyes. And he pulled down her shorts, gently tossing them on the floor as he lowered himself down to kiss her stomach. He kiss was sweet and sensual, as Charlie squirmed beneath him. He made his down before meeting with her heat. He put his mouth to her clit and began licking and sucking tasting every part of her. Charlie began to moan softly, his hands gently running her thighs, up her sides, his touch was electrifying. She looked down to see him, boy she loved between her legs and she felt herself cum instantly all over his face.

"Fuck baby, a little warning next time?" He chuckled before sucking up all of her juices. He brought himself back up to Charlie as he kissed her passionately. He leaned back and took off his shorts as she felt his dick twitch against her pussy.

"I love you so much" Charlie whispered as she held his face in her hands.

"You are my whole world" he replied before connecting their lips once again. He lined himself up, careful not to break the kiss as they both breathed deeply into each other. He pushed himself inside her, both of them groaning into the others mouth. He moved himself in and out slowly, their eyes connected, their love between them growing with each thrust. Sam began to speed up, as they both approached their orgasms.

"You and me forever baby," he whispered in between moans. Charlie pulled him back to her lips, kissing him deeply as they both moaned. He pumped fast and fast, their lips glued together until finally, like it was written in the stars the both came at the exact same time, their bodies completely connected as one. As he slowed down he stayed where he was, not wanting to ever let go of her.

"I never want to be apart from." Sam said to Charlie. She felt a small amount of anxiety in the pit of her stomach as she realized there was a huge decision that needed to be made.

*That evening*

Sam sat into his car, as Charlie buckled up. "Where are we going Sam! Please just tell me!" Sam chucked as he turned his car on.

"Nope, I told you! It's a surprise!" He leaned over and grabbed her hand before kissing it.

Sam held onto Charlie's hand the entire way there, she kept asking him, begging for a hint but he refused. The drive was peaceful as the LA day life slowly began to die down. The blue sky began to change to a light pink and orange. Charlie loved the view, loved this life she had began to build in LA and her heart sunk slightly as she thought about what she was going to do, what decision was she going to make.

Soon enough, Sam drove up a hill, in the mountains of LA. Charlie's eyes widened as the Griffiths Observatory came into view. "Woah." Charlie said, her mouth hung open. Sam smiled as he looked at Charlie who was in awe of the view in front of her. But he didn't need to look because nothing compared to the view he had right next to him.

He parked up and ask they got out he handed Charlie a blanket, as she reached in the trunk and pulled out a picnic basket. Charlie smiled at him as he took her hand and walked her to the grass next to the beautiful building. After he set up they sat down. Facing the skyline. A view of LA in its entirety, right before their eyes. Charlie stared out as Sam poured and then handed her a glass of champagne. He pulled some white chocolate covered strawberries out of his basket, as Charlie's face lit up. He picked one out before placing it between her lips and she bit into it, licking her lips as she enjoyed the taste. Sam then ate the rest of that strawberry. The sun began to set as they both sat in silence, watching the world go by enjoying each others company, Sam played some songs through his phone, until he finally spoke.

"You know, my whole life, sunsets were my biggest irrational fear." He spoke as Charlie looked towards him, the golden sun shining against his beautiful face. She listened to him intently. "That's why I wanted to bring you here. Because I used to be terrified of watching the day end, that's what the sunsets represented to me. Another day closer to death." Charlie let him speak as she felt her heart sad for him. "But now, since being with you, I'm not afraid of sunsets anymore." She looked at him, her eyebrows confused as a small smile grew on her face. "Because now, sunsets just remind me that in a few hours I get a whole new day to spend time with you." He finally looked at her, her eyes filling with water. "You have completely changed my world, not only have you changed my feelings towards love, you changed and helped me overcome a fear that I never thought I would. And I will love you forever for that." A tear slowly fell from Charlie's face. She stood up, smiling uncontrollably. She reached her hands out to Sam, who took them as he stood up with her. She wrapped her arms around his necked and they started to sway to the music, the sun almost gone.

"It has been the most amazing few weeks of my life Sam." Charlie spoke honestly. "And I hope, I can feel this sense of complete for the rest of my life." Sam smiled down at her, he has never loved anyone so much. He has never thought someone could be so beautiful.

"I love you" he smiled at her.

"I love you too," she replied before they kissed, the music moving them, as they danced. The sky turning from orange to dark blue. Sam spun Charlie as they laughed and smiled. They had never been so happy than in this moment in their entire lives.

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