Chapter 3 - The Queen Mary Ship

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WARNINGS: No smut, ghost hunting video with Kian and Jc.


*3 Days Later*

Since the arcade bar a few days ago, the gang had a lovely few days. They travel around LA as Jc and his friends showed them their best spots. Charlie and Crawford were extremely close, they became best friends as the days went on. Crawford's feelings were developing for Charlie fast. Jake and Lorelei had spent all 3 days together and they even went on their first date last night. Kacey and Jc had spent a lot of time streaming and editing. The group hung out a lot and ate lots of food whilst on their tours. They had a lot of fun, met a lot of people and experienced life in LA. They were loving every moment of it so far.

The Queen Mary

The time had finally came for their first time filming since being over there, apart from Jc streams. They were headed to the Queen Mary Ship to film for It's Kacey Larson with Kian and Jc. Kian offered to drive so he headed to Jc's house with Charlie and Lila to pick up the rest of them. Kacey had organised the entire video, as usual, so she had some surprises up her sleeve.

As they headed to the ship, Kacey made sure that all of the plans were in place, checking that everything was ready so the video would run smoothly as usual.

Kian parked up and the time was already 7pm, the sun was setting and the ship looked both beautiful and eerie.

"Right before we go in, let's do an intro out here" Kacey said as she began to set up the tripod and the camera, turning on the light. The group all stood in front of the lenses with the Queen Mary in the background.

Kacey began the video, "Hello everyone! And welcome to episode 1 of the international series! Woo!" Everyone cheered. "As you can see by the title, we are joined today with the one and only KNJ!!"

"What's up guys!" Kian and Jc both said their hellos.

"If you don't know where we are, you must live under a rock!" She paused. "Tonight, we are finally getting to investigate, the infamous, Queen Mary Ship..."

The group ooo and awed.

"You guys have been here before, right?" She asked looking at Kian and Jc.

"Yeah!" Kian said enthusiastically.

"We've been here with our friends and we came with Sam and Colby." Jc replied.

"So you already know we're in for a treat." Lorelei and Lila looked at each other nervous.

"And I have a few surprises up my sleeve!" The group looked curiously at Kacey as she spoke. "So without further ado, let's go and get checked in!" Kacey ran forward and shut off the camera before putting the tripod back strapped to her backpack.

They walked onto the ship, nervously as Lorelei took the camera to record, Lila and Kian skipped ahead laughing as everyone nervously walked onto the ship. As they approached the desk, Kacey talked with receptionist. The group gathered around.

"Okay Miss Larson, so during your stay, please feel free to use any of the facilities on the ship, just please be aware that the pool is out of bounds and it is not safe, so please don't try to enter. Breakfast starts at 8am and if you need anything else please just let us know. Here if your key, your room is, B340-"

The group all gasped. "noooo!" Kian exclaimed.

"You didn't..." Charlie said, fear in her eyes.

"Oh, I so did." Kacey laughed into the camera.

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